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Second image of the introduction of Melibea of the Paris edition (1943)
Adaptation by Paul Achard. Illustration in Celestinesca vol 22, num 2 of the French edition illustrated by Maurice L'Hoir.

Second image of acto XIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the execution of Pármeno and Sempronio, although it only shows one culprit being executed, two soldiers and Tristán as witness. There doesn't appear to be a judge in the scene.

Second image of act XX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Melibea throws herself from an elevated location with locked doors, while Pleberio joins his hands in a gesture of begging or prayer.

Second image of act XX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the suicide of Melibea with her falling and Pleberio with his arms raised at the foot of the tower.

Second image of act XX of the Burgos edition (1531)
Melibea throws herself from the tower while Pleberio opens his arms on the left side (variation of the image used in the previous act) and a woman with her hair down joins her hands in prayer.

Second image of act XIX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Sosia and Tristán retrieve Calisto's corpse.

Second image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Image repeated from XIV: scene of Calisto with the ladder entering the garden, where Melibea and Lucrecia wait for him. Outside, with weapons, Sosia and Tristán. One of the two with a finger to his mouth in a gesture of silence.

Second image of act XIX of the Burgos edition (1531)
Same image used in act XIV; Calisto climbing the ladder to the garden where Melibea and Lucrecia wait for him and outside Tristán and Sosia armed.

Second image of act XIV of the Burgos edition (1531)
Calisto climbs the ladder to the garden where Melibea and Lucrecia are waiting for him and outside Tristán and Sosia are armed. It is reused in act XIX.

Second image of act XIII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Sosia and Tristán speak at the door about Pármeno and Sempronio's execution while Calisto lies in his bed.

Second image of act XIII of the Burgos edition (1531)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution scene with Sosia as witness, plus judge, two soldiers and another character pointing their fingers.

Second image of act XII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Double scene. On the left the judge, a soldier and a dead or executed body of a man; on the right, Celestina's death at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio, with Elicia tearing at her hair.

Second image of act XII of the Burgos edition (1531)
Double image, Celestina's death at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio with Elicia as witness on the left and their jump from the window and the judge sentencing them on the right. Only the house wall serves to partially separate the scenes.

Second image of act XII of the Salamanca edition (1590)
Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina.

Image of act VII of the Burgos edition (1531)
Factotums of houses, Celestina, Parmeno, Areúsa and Elicia (image used previously for Lucrecia).

First image of act 20 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Melibea's suicide with her and Pleberio. Two unidentified male characters on the margin are included. There is also an image of an object in the sky that may be Melibea's girdle or cord falling or another object.

Second image of act 19 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Calisto dead at the foot of the ladder is carried by Sosia and Tristan

Second image of act 12 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)
Death of Celestina. While one of the male characters holds her, the other is ready to stab her. Elicia is pulling her hairs. Curiously, there is a window or door with two characters outside. Shelves with cups and glass containers.

Second illustration of the cover page of the Salamanca edition (1540)
Tristán and Sosia recover Calisto's fallen corpse from in front of the garden wall. Different from the previous illustration, Calisto does not have a beard. Two fortified towers on the sides of the canvas of the garden wall. Not shown, are Melibea or…

Second illustration of act XX of the Valencia edition (1529)
Sosia and Tristán retrieve Calisto's body. He has just fallen from the ladder.

Second illustration of act XX of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
The scene of Melibea's suicide in which she throws herself from the tower while Pleberio and a female character watch the event. Note the prominence of the lock on the door of the tower to show that the door is locked. This image is of a simpler…

Second illustration of act XX of the Estella edition (1557)
The same illustration used in act XIII Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. Now it does not seem to be connected with the action of the current scene, save for referencing the previous event.

Second illustration of act XX from the Zaragoza edition (1545)
Melibea throws herself from an elevated location with locked doors meanwhile Pleberio joins his hands in a sign of prayer.

Ilustración segunda del Acto XVIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Calisto se pone su capa para salir a defender a sus criados

Second illustration of act XVIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of the end of the chapter with two separate scenes: two birds, one in a fallen nest and an adult bird looking on from the tree (p. 273).

Second illustration of act XIX of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
Scene of Tristán and Sosia removing the body of Calisto fallen beside the ladder

Second illustration of act XIX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Tristan and Sosia collect Calisto's dead body. Melibea's garden in the background with the ladder at hand. Above, the names Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán, Calisto can be read. The images of Melibea and Lucrecia are not seen, but it is assumed…

Second illustration of act XIX of the Antwerp illustration (1616)
A copy of the image of act XX of the Zaragoza (1545) edition. Sosia and Tristán remove Calisto's corpse.

Second illustration of act XIX from the Zaragoza edition (1545)
Sosia and Tristán remove Calisto's corpse.

Second illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Lucrecia spying on the lovers from behind the vegetation (p. 281).

Ilustración segunda del acto XIV de la edición Barcelona, 2013.
La Celestina. Barcelona, Editorial Teide, 2013. Edition and notes by Francesc Serra Balaguer. Introduction and analysis proposal of the work by Judith Moris Campos, and Antonio Pérez Bouza. Illustrations by Elena Odriozola

Second illustration of act XIV from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Cat playing with a ball of wool (p. 240).

Ilustración segunda del Acto XIII, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Melibea se lamenta haber perdido su corona de virgen por tan breve deleite

Second illustration of act XIII of the Rome edition: Marcelo Silber, 1515 (colophon Stanislao Polono, Sevilla, 1502)
The execution scene of Pármeno and Sempronio with an executioner and his assistant on the right. On the left, the judge with two soldiers and a character who covers their eyes so as not to see, perhaps Sosia

Second illustration of act XIII of the Estella edition (1557)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. It is novel to include two women in the right margin watching from the window, as if referencing Elicia and Areúsa, although this detail does not occur in the text. This image is used again in act XX.

Second illustration of act XIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Scene in which Pármeno and Sempronio are executed. This is one of the rare cases in which this edition does not follow the images in Zaragoza (1545).This image was possibly taken from one of the books ofthe period depicting the extermination…

Second illustration of act XIII from the Zaragoza edition (1545)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. On the left, the judge and three people, one of which is probably Sosia. On the right, the execution, one of the defendants already decapitated and the other being decapitated. Two people with beards on the right.…

Second illustration of act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of the end of the chapter, with a small dead bird (p. 234).

Ilustración segunda del acto XII de la página 79 de la edición Barcelona, 1988.
La Celestina. Barcelona, Lumen Editorial, 1988 . Version by Enrique Ortenbach. Illustrations by Bartolomé Liarte.

Second illustration of act XII of the Valencia edition (1529)
Pármeno and Sempronio killing Celestina with swords.

Ilustración segunda del acto XII de la edición Barcelona, 2013.
La Celestina. Barcelona, Editorial Teide, 2013. Edition and notes by Francesc Serra Balaguer. Introduction and analysis proposal of the work by Judith Moris Campos, and Antonio Pérez Bouza. Illustrations by Elena Odriozola

Second Illustration of Act XII of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Pármeno and Sempronio murder Celestina

Second illustration of act XII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Double image. On the left, the judge and two soldiers stand over Pármeno or Sempronio's fallen body, while the other of the two is still jumping from the window.
On the right, the previous scene of Pármeno and Sempronio killing Celestina with…

Second illustration of act XII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XV Zaragoza edition (1545). Elicia y Areúsa plot their revenge against Calisto with Centurio, shown with a sword. In the background, a bed and stairs. It is used again in acts XV y XVIII.

Second illustration of act XII from the Zaragoza edition (1545)
Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina, who is on the floor, while Elicia watches horrified.

Second illustration of act XII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea answers Calisto next to the garden gate, from inside (p. 210).

Second illustration of act VIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Pármeno and Sempronio comment on the situation of their master, who is in bed thinking about love (p. 160). Vignette with black background.

Second illustration of act VII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Celestina descends the stairs leaving Pármeno and Areúsa in bed (p. 149).

Second illustration of act VI from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Calisto takes the cord from Celestina's hands (p. 125).

Ilustración segunda del acto IX de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos Collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Second illustration of act IX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of a heart wounded by an arrow (p. 180).

Second illustration of act IV from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Celestina's first visit to Melibea's house, who stands angrily from her chair and reproaches her for her business there (p. 97).

Second illustration of act III of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Second illustration of act III of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVII in the Zaragoza edition(1545). Where it is used to represent Areúsa in her house, receiving Sosia, while Elicia listens in hiding. Bed and stairs in the background. Here it appears to represent Sempronio…

Second illustration of act III from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Celestina performing her spell in her house in front of the fire (p. 83).

Ilustración segunda del Acto I, de Alcalá Iberri (2004)
Celestina recibe las monedas de oro de Calisto

Ilustración segunda del acto I de la edición Oxford, 2016
El Árbol de los clásicos collection. © Oxford University Press Spain, 2015.

Illustrations: Marina Seoane Pascual

Ilustración segunda del acto I de la edición Barcelona, 2013.
La Celestina. Barcelona, Editorial Teide, 2013. Edition and notes by Francesc Serra Balaguer. Introduction and analysis proposal of the work by Judith Moris Campos, and Antonio Pérez Bouza. Illustrations by Elena Odriozola

Second illustration of act I of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Drop cap letter E with the figure of an undetermined saint. It is part of Calisto's first words, "In this I see..." Perhaps it was considered relevant given the content of loa of the divine work of these words, or simply used this image at random.

Second illustration of act I from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Sempronio's discussion with Celestina and Elicia about whether there were noises coming from the floor above (p. 43). The three characters, and a staircase in the background. Sempronio and Celestina argue behind, Elicia appears to be crying or…
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