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This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair, except in this picture, it is a servant cutting Samson's hair while he lies on Delilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the left near Delilah. The maid resembles…

Danaë, by Tiziano (1553).
Danaë's maid receives a shower of gold.

Other title: Danaë

Ink wash with several characters on the cover of number zero of the magazine Cuaderno de Buzones, [Toledo]: Bremen Ediciones) which is dedicated to the fifth centenary of the publication of the book

A couple embracing, a procuress asleep nearby, by Toorenvliet (1700, c.)
The image shows a young woman sitting on a chair and looking to her left while a man shows her a coin and puts his hand on her shoulder. Next to the couple and sitting on a chair appears an old woman with her head covered sleeping. By the title of…

Luchar por la vida.jpg
"The academic culture of the Spanish 19th century introduced the concept of decency in the representation of the female nude. During the Restoration, the images of women who, due to economic necessity, were forced to pose naked for the artists…

Cover of A high ranking casino, by Torrenueva (1920, c.)
Cover of A high ranking casino ("Un casino de alto rango"), by Torrenueva, The exquisite novel ("La novela exquisita") (erotic novel), Madrid 20s, No. 80. Illustrations by Pan.

Two women are represented on the cover. One of them (the youngest) is…

Scene from "Los polvos de la madre Celestina", Teatro Español, Madrid, 1922
Image and caricature of the play "Mother Celestina's Powders" ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"), Teatro Español, Madrid, 1922, remade by Angel Torres del Alamo and Antonio Asenjo.Author: Juan EugenioHartzenbuschRemake by: Angel Torres del Alamo…

Portada de la edición de Ediciones del Orto, 2009
The cover features a fragment of the painting Maja and Celestina(c. 1824) byFrancisco de Goya.

Beauty, money, mind (Belleza, dinero, mente), by Tóth (1894).
Part of a tryptych, this painting shows a young woman followed or solicited by a matchmaker-type older woman. The rest of the tryptych can be seen at,_Money,_Mind_C_1894.jpg

La 'madama' rehaciendo su peinado, de Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec (1893)
Portrait of a woman with red hair combing her hair.

In the Salon, by Toulouse-Lautrec (1893)
Madam and two girls in a brothel's salon.

Other title: Au salon

Medical inspection.jpg
The image depicts two women standing in a line with their chemises lifted. On the background on the right, one can see the procuress who has her back towards the viewer.

Regional medieval saya skirt, La Celestina, by Trajes Medievales Mari Carmen Milián Repullés (2023, c.)
Medieval blue checkered saya skirt described as "La Celestina" made by hand distributed by Mari Carmen Milián Repullés Medieval Costumes, Teruel, Spain.

El concierto, de Traversi (1750 c.)
A young woman in the center of the painting. To his left, an old woman holding his hand. There are musicians around him and a girl on the right with a dog.

Original title: il concerto (Italian)

Portada de la edición de Biblioteca de Aula, 1964
This cover features a fragment of the cover of the Seville edition of 1523. The editors have chosen to focus on the characters Calisto and Melibea (prominent in the foreground) instead of including the full image, which incorporates three animals: a…

Representation of the Teatro de Calle, Salamanca, 2016
De Lazarillos y Celestinas ("Of Lazarillos and Celestinas") is a street theater production based on the stories of La Celestina and El Lazarillo de Tormes that, in a comedic tone, was performed on the occasion of the celebration, on the one hand, of…

Representation of the II Festival of University Theatre, Lima, 2014
Te amo("I love you"), clown piece based on La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas.The bitter Aunt Dorita turns to her two nieces to find the husband of her dreams. They, frightened by the threats of the desperate aunt, invoke the spirits and enchant the…

Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, 1956
Representation ofLa Celestina, inCádiz, Spain (1956)Photographer:Luis ArenasDate: August 21, 1956

Representation of La Celestina, in New York, 1974
Representation of La Celestina, in New York (1974)

Photographer: Gerry Goodstein

RepresentationFantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, 1979
Original title: Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").Date: April 1979.

Representation of La Celestina, 1987
Author: Fernando de Rojas
Photographer: Miguel Gracia

Representation of La Celestina, 1973
Representation of La Celestina.

Photographer: Daniel Walschaerts

Emblema de Celestina.jpg
This emblem represents a typical Celestinesque scene where a naked young woman rests on a bed while a young man approaches her holding the hand of an old woman who acts as a procuress. The Latin description reads:

"Est meretrix dicta quæ reddit…

emblem celestina.jpg
The image represents a brothel scene, where the client is paying the procuress on the left and the prostitute is naked, semi-covered in bed on the right. Next to the prostitute the figure of the fool appears. The fool is pointing at the transaction…

casa celestina.jpg
The plaque commemorates Fadrique de Basilea's workshop, and the place where the first edition of La Celestina was printed.The plaque reads: "En esta Casa estuvieron los Talleres de Fadrique de Basileay Juan de Burgos, impresores. 1483-1489. De aquí…


The biblical parable of the prodigal son is depicted in this tapestry. The prodigal son in the centre appears with a young woman on the left. An older woman presents the young woman to the prodigal son, which could indicate that she is acting as the…

Dollhouse Lock, Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (1550, c.)
The first image shows the lock of a house in Garganta la Olla, Extremadura (Spain), which is the lock of an old brothel or public house that is preserved in this town, located very close to Yuste, so it is believed that it was frequented by the guard…

Logo of the Melibea Hotel in Salamanca (2019, c.)
Logo with disheveled Melibea of the Hotel Melibea by Gaiarooms in Salamanca, Spain situated at: 3 Calle Balmes, Salamanca, Spain, 37008.

In the logo it can be seen Melibea's head and hair. The hair in the logo appears disheveled and messy, and…

This painting represents the biblical scene of the prodigal son in the prostitutes' house. Note the older woman on the left that acts as the procuress of the younger women.

Representation A selfie with Melibea, by Unpingüino Producciones, 2018
Original title: Un selfie con Melibea ("A selfie with Melibea")

Adaptation for young audiences

Representation of the Teatro Ocampo, Morelos, México, 2010-2013
The Celestina: Love is a WormEl Volado Teatro ProductionThe members of the theatre group are professional actors graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Arte Teatral, Centro Morelense de las Artes and Argos-Casa Azul

Cover of the Haranburu: Spain edition, 1983
A depiction of Celestina's expression as she observes two lovers - possibly Pármeno y Areúsa - in a bed. The drawing is red and white and imitates medieval-style images.

Representation of the Pacífico University, Santiago, 2015
Members of the Taller de Teatro y Arte Escénico
Costumes: Andrea García and her students

The Procuress, by Vallazza (1973)
Original title:Wolkenstein-Mappe, Die Kupplerin("Wolkenstein portfolio, The Procuress").In the image, three figures appear talking seated. Two of them have human bodies and animal heads. They both face the third figure who is an old woman with her…

Carousel book of La Celestina, by Valle (2017)
Project from an illustration course. The author writes on her blog about this project; "Inspired by the contemporary illustrations of its time, in which the laws of perspective or of time were manipulated to one's liking, and inspired in the backdrop…

Representation of the Berriozar Auditoriom, Pamplona, 2014-2015
Celestina’sDuration: 120 minutesren-Hacer-berBizi Theatre Company

The picture shows a young couple, the young woman playing an instrument while the young man looks her in the eye. To the right, there is an old woman who acts as a procuress.

Original title: Eine alte Kupplerin bietet einer jungen Frau Juwelen an ("An old procuress offers a young woman jewels").

This work represents a young and an old woman. From the title we know that the older woman is a procuress, and she offers…

In the image there is a couple on the right and an old woman on the left. The old woman, who acts as a procuress, appears with coins in her hand.

Procuress 2.jpg
In the painting there is a young woman on the right, holding some coins, an old woman who acts as a procuress and a man on the left with a bag in his hand. The old woman is grabbing the man's hair, who appears screaming. The image seems to suggest…

Merry company.jpg
This painting represents a scene where young women appear playing instruments, and a young man is looking at one of the young women while holding a drink and a violin. To the right, there is an old woman, who could act as a procuress for the young…

Drinker with a young woman and procuress.jpg
The image shows a young woman in the hands of a man drinking. To the left, an old woman with a greedy face appears taking a bag that the young woman is handing her. The old woman in this image acts as a procuress for the young woman.

Original title: De verloren zoon verkwist zijn geld ("The prodigal wasting his money").

This engraving represents the parable of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. Young women are shown playing musical instruments around a table. Note…

Original title: L'enfant prodigue chez les courtisanes ("The prodigal son among courtesans")

This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of the prostitutes. It is a banquet scene with young women and their clients.…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. However, in this representation of the scene,Delilah is not cutting Samson's hair, he is being taken by soldiers with ropes whileSamson and Delilahreach out for each…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of thePhilistines approachingSamson'sto cut off his hair while he lies onDelilah's lap. Note the maid who appears on the right near Delilah. The maid resembles the procuress inCaravaggio's Judith…

This painting portrays the famous biblical scene of Delilah cutting Samson's hair. Note the maid who appears on the left holding the candle in the scene. The maid resembles the procuress in Caravaggio's Judith Beheading Holofernes(1598, c.)

Un caballero encendiendo una pipa de una vela, una mujer mayor derramando de una cacerola y una mujer joven cortando el tabaco - un fragmento, del taller de Gerrit van Honthorst (1633 c.)
Fragmento del cuadro. Nótese la mujer vieja detrás. La escena parece corresponder al modelo de "marrymaking" o reunión con música, comida y bebida en ambientes burdelarios, muy frecuente en la pintura holandesa de la época

Danaë, by Van Loo (1650).
Danaë and servant in a matchmaker-like way.

Danaë, by Van Loo (1655).
Servant, characterized in a matchmaker way, wakes Danae while shower of gold enters as a ray of light from the left.

Representation of the Teatro Julia de Burgos of the Puerto Rico University, Río Piedras, 2014
Calisto, Melibea, and...any others?Illumination Design: Israel Franco-MüllerCostume Design: Frances ArroyoStaging: Kiara De Santiago and Karla SantiagoThe cast is led by the UPR professor, Heriberto Feliciano, accompanied by the students of the…

DVD cover of The Swindlers (Las Pícaras), by TVE (1983)
The titles of this miniseries includeThe False Aunt (La tía fingida), The Valencian Widow (La viuda valenciana), Celestina's Daughter (La hija de Celestina), The Garduña of Seville (La garduña de Sevilla), The Lusty Andalusian…

Film poster for Celestina's Daughter (La hija de Celestina) (1983)
Film poster on Tele Programa No 888 from April 11-17, 1983. Series broadcast every Friday on TVE May 13, 1983.

Elena and don Pascual can be seen in the image.

Representation of the Hispanic Theatre Festival, Miami, by Vega, 2008
Company: Teatro Avante
Adaptation: Raquel Carrió
Music: Héctor Agüero
Face masks: Alejandro Galindo Naarai Ortiz.
Lighting: Mario Ernesto Sánchez

Gerardo Riverón-Celestina
Jorge Luis Álvarez- Calixto
Geraldine Townson- Melibea

couple with procuress.jpg
In the engraving, a young couple and an old woman in the background. The young man is holding a bag that appears to contain money. From the title it is known that the old woman acts as a procuress in the image.

Celestina, by Venise (2004)
Drawing by the DeviantArt user: Venise. Based on the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)during his blue period.

Film poster of the movie by Gerardo Vera, 1996.
Calisto and Melibea (Juan Diego Botto y Penelope Cruz) lie embraced in the garden.

DVD case of the movie, by Gerardo Vera (1996)
Cover in Korean that includes an image inspired by the movieAmerican Beauty(1999), on the right.

Photochrome 10 from La Celestina, by Vera
Melibea (Penélope Cruz) and Calisto (Juan Diego Botto)

Carátula de VHS de la película de Gerardo Vera, 1996
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) y Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Russian DVD case of the movie, by Gerardo Vera (1996)
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Chinese DVD case of the movie, by Gerardo Vera (1996)
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

Photochrome 9 from La Celestina, by Vera
Melibea (Penelope Cruz) on a balcony

Photochrome 11 from La Celestina, by Vera
Alisa (Anna Lizaran), Melibea (Penélope Cruz) and Lucrecia (Nathalie Seseña) at church.

Movie booklet
1. Cover: Melibea (Penélope Cruz) and Calisto (Juan Diego Botto). 2. Between Two Worlds.Vera's Proposal. 3. Production details: costume designer and decoration.4. Calisto (Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz).5. Areúsa…

Film poster for La Celestina, by Vera
Celestina (Penélope Cruz) and Calisto in one of their clandestine encounters.

DVD case of La Celestina, by Vera
Calisto (Juan Diego Botto) and Melibea (Penélope Cruz)

The Procuress, by Vermeer (1656)
Original title: De koppelaarster ("The Procuress").

A prostitute, her matchmaker, and two clients. Brothel or school Dutch school scene.

Print made by Cornelisz (1545)
First, a young woman robs the purse of a young man whom she kisses. In the background, on the right, a celestinesque old woman with a musical instrument. Under an inscription in Latin: "Sic Hispana Venus loccas excantat loving. Sic fucata rapit basia…

Valencian Fallas cardboard statues entitled Pamtomime and Celestina go well together (Pantomima i Celestina sempre han fet molt bona rima), by Martínez Aparici (2016)
A falla by the falla group San Vicente-Periodista Azzati for the 2017 Fallas in Valencia (Spain). It is described as a "Venetian pantomime" and, in some ways, a criticism of the contemporary society. It has a budget of 42,000 Euros.

A masked…

Representation "Pollos, tórtolas y perniles. Almuerzo en casa de La Celestina" in the Liceo Theatre, Salamanca, 2022
Play "Pollos, tórtolas y perniles. Almuerzo en casa de La Celestina" ("Chickens, turtledoves and perniles. Lunch at Celestina's house"), produced byEdulogic Producciones S.L. by the company EduLogic Producciones. Premiered on June 2, 2022 at the…

Engraving of a procuress from Auto da Barca do Inferno, by Gil Vicente (1586)
Engraving from the Complete workds of Gild Vicente, 1586. The character on the right is the procuress Brizida Vaz, which is inspired in Celestina. The othe two character may be the simpleton or fool Joane and one of the four knights in the story. The…

Woman with buskin-type shoes and covered head, pointing her finger towards the outside of the panel.

Representation of the Ciudad Rodrigo Theater Fair, Salamanca, by Vida (1999)
La Celestina, de la pasión al revolcón ("La Celestina, from passion to tumble")Free version of La Celestina by the BoTiKa group. Theater-cabaret company.Some images are from the representation at the Cáceres Classical Theater Festival at the Plaza de…

Representation at the Albéniz Theatre, Madrid, by Vida (1999)
Author: Fernando de Rojas Adaptation/version: Luis García Montero Direction and scenography: Joaquín Vida Figurines: Vitorio y Luquino Lighting design: Carlos Moreno Costumes: Victorio y Luchino Cast: Nati Mistral, Paco Morales, Eva García (in…

Representation of the Municipal Theater, Valparaíso, 2013-2014
Adaptation: Yulky Cary
Tranvía Theater Company

Cast: Marcela Molina, José Salinas, Rodrigo Reyes, Guillermo Ramos, Eduardo González.

Representation of the Grec-89 Festival, Barcelona, by Vitez, 1989
Representation directed by Antoine Vitez of the Théatre National de l'Odeon for the Grec-89 Festival. Starring Jeanne Moreau, Lambert Wilson, and Valerie Dreville.Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish…

Representation of D'Avignon Festival, Avignon, by Vitez (1989)
Representation directed by Antoine Vitez of the Théatre National de l'Odeon for the Avignon Festival (D'Avignon Festival).

Author: Fernando de Rojas
Stage direction: Antoine Vitez
Artistic direction: Roland Hergault
Scenography: Yannis…

Representation of the Avignon Festival, Avignon, by Vitez, 1989
Author: Fernando de Rojas.
Stage director: Antoine Vitez.

Cast: Jeanne Moreau.

Photographer: Bielva

Premiere: July 1989

Ilustración de Oeuvre priápica de Vivant Denon (1790)
A couple in bed while an older woman acting as a procuress sits at the foot of the bed counting coins.

An Old Matchmaker Counts Money (Una vieja alcahueta cuenta el dinero), lithograph by Vivant Denon (1873).
Old matchmaker counts money by candle light while a couple makes love in the background in her shadow.

Lithograph inspired by La Celestina, by Vlady (1968)
Oil painting byVlady of the playLa Celestina interpreted by Amparo Villegas.

Litografía inspirada en La Celestina, de Vlady (1953)
Illustration by Valdy, interpreted by Amparo Villegas for a Mexican edition of La Celestina by Alvaro Custodio. Young nude woman with a old woman of demonic appearance.

In Celestinesca, Vol. 11, No. 2, p. 40

Celestina, by Vlady (1953)
Illustration in Vlady's typical style, presented in Celestinescavol. 17, no. 1.

Original title: Gefällt sie Ihnen? ("Do you like her?").

This work represents Celestinesque-themed scene. In the scene, a man, a naked young woman and an older woman are represented, this last one acting as the procuress of the young woman.

The Matchmaker (Die Kupplerin), de Vogtherr (1537).
A client is distracted by a prostitute while a matchmaker hands a bag of money to a servant. In the tradition of the fools of Narrenschiff, a fool with a hood in the window identifies the client as such. Legend in German "Lug auf es wirklich macht"…

Alcahueta con una pareja, de Von Aachen (c. 1605-1610)
Man showing a jewel to a young woman, who looks at the procuress behind her taking a bag of money. Banquet scene in the background.

Other title: Kuppeleiszene

Cortesana con su alcahueta, de Von Aachen (siglo XVII)
A young woman looks away as her procuress shows her a jewel. The procuress holds a bag filled with money in her hand. The dog stares at the viewer, and acts as the client, who is a typical figure in these types of paintings.

Manuscript illustration for the chapter on lust. See explanation in German in attached file.

The illustration shows a heart nailed in a mass that represents a tumor, and a blue channel that connects the two with a figure of an old woman reminiscent of Celestina. This illustration represents how the so-called celestine antibodies work. These…

Procuress and girl, by Wellenstein (1955)
Original title: Kupplerin und Mädchen ("Procuress and girl").

The image shows a young woman next to an old one with her head covered. From the title of the work, it is understood that the old woman acts as the young woman's procuress.
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