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First illustration of act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Herald proclaiming the deaths of Pármeno and Sempronio (p. 231). Vignette.

Second illustration of act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of the end of the chapter, with a small dead bird (p. 234).

First illustration of act XIV from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Calisto holds Melibea's hand on a bench in the garden (p. 237).

Second illustration of act XIV from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Cat playing with a ball of wool (p. 240).

Illustration of act XVI from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Pleberio and Alisa speak about the convenience of marrying off Melibea (p. 256).

First illustration of act XVIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Centurio speaks with Elicia and Areúsa in her house (p. 270).

Second illustration of act XVIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of the end of the chapter with two separate scenes: two birds, one in a fallen nest and an adult bird looking on from the tree (p. 273).

First illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Calisto climbing the wall of the garden of Melibea, the moon in the sky (p. 277).

Second illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Lucrecia spying on the lovers from behind the vegetation (p. 281).

Third illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea laments the death of Calisto seated on a bench in the garden (p. 284).

Illustration of act XXI from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea lies dead after throwing herself from the tower (p. 294). Vignette.

Cover of the Toledo edition, 1500
Celestina, carrying the spool of thread, is knocking at the door of Pleberio's hourse; Melibea and Calisto (with the falcon) are talking. Trees and building in the background.

Illustration of act IX from the Barcelona edition (1841)
Banquete scene in Celestina's house (p. 178). She is represented with an envious expression, contemplating the lovers while they kiss, while she grabs the jar and cup of wine to serve herself once more. At the foot of the page it says; "Besáos y…

Illustration of act XII from the Barcelona edition (1841)
Melibea goes out by night, accompanied by Lucrecia (p. 229). One of the two holds her index finger to her lips in a signal to be quiet. The foot of the image says: "Qué harían si mi cierta salida supiesen?" ("What would they do if they knew of my…

Illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1841)
Calisto and Melibea embrace in the garden while Lucrecia stands guard or spies (p. 314). The footnote at the bottom of the page says: "Jamás querría, señora, que amaneciese, según la gloria y descanso que mi sentido recibe" ("My lady, I never want…

Spanish National Lottery Ticket (1974)
Copy of the Toledo, 1526, coloured. Ticket worth 200 pesetas from February 9, 1974 to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Coaster from Melibea club, Jaca, Spain (circa 2000)
Original ink illustration in naive style of Melibea and Celestina with a heart and a sun.

Cover of the Seville edition, 1523
Celestina, Melibea, Lucrecia, Calisto and Sempronio, and dog, falcon and horse. Celestina holding a rosary and Calisto the string and falcon. Note the detail of the horse's testicles that can be seen from behind.

Cover of the Editorial Leyenda: Mexico edition, 1947
A drawing suggestive of the kidnapping of Europe but with two characters and a Goya-style goat. There is a certain Picasso-like influence.

Cover of the Editorial Ramón Sopena: Barcelona edition, 1975
A coloured drawing of Celestina with a cane against a background of shrubs that appear slightly human-like.

Cover of the Edicomunicaciones edition: Barcelona, 1992
The cover features a fragment of an unidentified painting from the Dutch school that depicts a brothel or tavern scene. An old woman reads a letter to a young woman, who has a child in her arms, while a man stands behind them, laughing.

Cover of the Editores Plana & Janes: Barcelona edition, 1984
A drawing of a woman in the style of Las Meninas.

Cover of the Espasa-Calpe: Madrid edition, 1980
A sepia drawing of a very old woman.

Cover of the Editorial Mateu: Barcelona edition, 1964
The cover features the image of a painting of a young woman.

Cover of the Editorial Bruño edition: Madrid, 1993
A naive-style drawing of Celestina walking in a cemetery at night.

Cover of the National Autonomous University of Mexico edition: Mexico, 1978
The cover is a red reproduction of the cover of the Valencia edition of 1514.

Cover of the EDAF: Madrid edition, 1976
A coloured drawing of an old woman's face, a snake, and an object that looks like a bird's wing.

Cover of the Editorial Antable: Barcelona edition, 1984
A naive-style drawing in colour of a book, a quill, and an inkwell.

Cover of the Bruguera: Barcelona edition, 1978
Coloured drawings of a money bag and gold coins positioned against a green background.

Cover of the Edaf Bookstore: Madrid, 2011 edition.
Panel-style drawing of Celestina with her cane and in the background, two lovers kissing in the garden and the moon.

Cover of the Edaf Bookstore: Madrid edition, 1991
A montage of an old woman with a cane and two lovers reclining against a tree. It resembles an old painting.

Cover of the Ediciones Quinto Sol edition: México, 1987
A colour drawing of a furious old woman and two young people.

Cover of the Ediciones Destino: Barcelona edition, 1989
Adapted to modern Castilian.

A gallant scene with couples and troubadours that appears to be a modified medieval illumination.

Cover of the Editorial Orbis: Barcelona, 1998 edition.
A dropped capital 'T'. The background is yellow.

Cover of the Alba: Madrid edition, 1986
A panel of an old woman in front of a pot. Suggestive of sorcery.

Cover of the Losada: Buenos Aires edition, 1967
This cover features a drawing of a woman with her head covered. It is drawn in blue tones and appears to be inspired by certain cubist styles.

Cover of the Unidad Editorial: Madrid, 1999 edition.
The cover features a signed painting of an old woman sitting in a chair with her head covered and a heart in her hands.

Cover of the Editorial Ferma: Barcelona edition, 1967
A comic-style illustration of a couple on some steps and an old woman behind them. The clothing style appears to be from an earlier time period. The old woman is wearing a ruff and her head is uncovered. The second part of this edition is El…

Cover of the Editorial Fama: Barcelona edition, 1955
A depiction of Calisto and Melibea sharing an embrace in the garden. In the foreground, Celestina rubs her hands, satisfied.

Cover of the Centro Editor de América Latina: Buenos Aires edition, 1980
A water colour imitation of the mural Witches' Sabbath (The Great He-Goat) by Francisco Goya.

Cover of the Emalcomex: Panamá edition, 1975 (c.)
The cover features a fragment of an unidentified engraving that depicts a young woman's face.

Cover of the Manuel Montt Legal Editorial: Santiago de Chile, 1997 edition.
A young woman's head, which appears to be a fragment of an unidentified painting.

Cover of the Cátedra: Madrid edition, 1974
A coloured drawing of Celestina counting coins in the foreground while Calisto and Melibea share an embrace in the background.

Cover of the Ediciones Delfín: Santiago de Chile edition, 1974
The cover features an image of an old woman with her head covered. The style of the illustration suggests that it was probably taken from a Dutch painting and altered to be a two-tone drawing.

Cover of the Losada: Buenos Aires edition, 1960 (c.)
A black-and-white image that depicts a gallant medieval court scene.

Cover of the Editora Nacional: México edition, 1960 (c.)
A modern drawing of a matchmaker and, behind a folding screen or divider, the silhouette of a woman undressing.

Cover of the E.M.E.S.A.: Madrid edition, 1977
A drawing of the face of an old woman against a blue background.

Cover of the Ediciones Marte: Barcelona edition, 1982
A dark-toned painting of an old woman smiling. The image is reminiscent of the painting Woman in the Window(c.1660) by Murillo.

Engraving from act I of the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the figures of Pármeno, Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio, and Celestina (text superimposed adds Elicia and Crito, that are not in the figure).

Engraving from act II from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio, with margins made of trees and houses.

Engraving from act III from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Celestina, Sempronio and Elica. Margins made of houses and a tree.

Engraving from act IV from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Lucrecia, Celestina, Alisa and Melibea. Houses in the margin.

Engraving from act V from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Pármeno, Sempronio, and Celestina. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act VI from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act VII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa and Elicia. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act VIII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Sempronio, Pármeno, Calisto and Areúsa. Houses in the right margin.

Engraving from act IX from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Lucrecia, Elicia and Areúsa.

Engraving from act X from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Melibea, Celestina, Lucrecia and Alisa. Houses in the left margin.

Engraving from act XI from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Elicia.

Engraving from act XII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea and Sempronio.

Engraving from act XII (bis) from the Seville edition (1523)
Narration of Celestina's death at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio on the left side, then their jump through the window in the central part and judge and soldier on the right and also in the left margin.

Engraving from act XIII from the Seville edition (1523)
Execution of Pármeno and Sempronio.

Engraving from act XIV from the Seville edition (1523)
Calisto, escorted by Sosia and Tristán, scaling the wall to Melibea's garden, where Melibea and Lucrecia await. The same engraving is repeated in act XIX.

Engraving from act XV from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Elicia, Centurio and Areúsa. In the margins, a house and a tree.

Engraving from act XVI from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa and Pleberio. In the left margin there are houses.

Engraving from XVII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Elicia, Sosia (error of the printer since the image is that of a woman) and Areúsa.

Engraving from act XVIII from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Areúsa, Centurio and Elicia. Houses and tree.

Engraving from act XIX from the Seville edition (1523)
Image of Calisto climbing into Melibea's garden. It is the same image from act XIV.

Engraving from act XIX (bis) from the Seville edition (1523)
Sosia and Tristán carry the dead Calisto after his fall.

Engraving from act XX from the Seville edition (1523)
Factotums of the images of Melibea, Lucrecia and Pleberio. Tree and houses.

Engraving from act XXI from the Seville edition (1523)
Melibea's suicide, with Pleberio and Alisa present and two unnamed characters (Lucrecia and a page?).

La Celestina (cycle), by Ramírez Máro (2011)
Cycle of paintings inspired byLa Celestina. The author explores the themes of vanitas, the seven deadly sins, and impermance.


Stone relief of Calisto and Melibea, Calisto and Melibea Secondary School (2000 c.)
Relief sculpted in stone of the portrayals of Calisto and Melibea on the façade of the Instituto de Enseñanza Media Calisto y Melibea in the city of Santa Marta de Tormes, in the province of Salamanca, Spain.

Dolls of Calisto, Melibea, and Celestina, by Jaume Arlandy (2011 and 2016)
Two handmade dolls, 2011, inspired by the characters of Calisto and Melibea and Tim Burton's movieNightmare before Christmas (1993)The creator describes her dolls: Today I'm not going to show my dolls, but I'm going to show you what my daughter…

Alcahueta con una pareja, de Von Aachen (c. 1605-1610)
Man showing a jewel to a young woman, who looks at the procuress behind her taking a bag of money. Banquet scene in the background.

Other title: Kuppeleiszene

Cortesana con su alcahueta, de Von Aachen (siglo XVII)
A young woman looks away as her procuress shows her a jewel. The procuress holds a bag filled with money in her hand. The dog stares at the viewer, and acts as the client, who is a typical figure in these types of paintings.

The Procuress, by Steen (1650, c.)
Dutch art. Tradition of brothel painting representing a client paying a procuress while a woman lies on a bed.

Retrato de mujer en estilo expresionista

Engraving of the argument of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Nocturnal scene with Calisto and Melibea in the garden with Sosia and Tristán talking outside in the foreground and Lucrecia in the back of the garden.

First engraving from act I of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Initial encounter between Calisto and Melibea. Horse and falcon. Space surrounded by a wall, but different from the garden.

Second engraving from act I from the Augsburg edition (1520)
Conversation between Sempronio and a melancholic Calisto seated at the table where there is a lute. In his bedroom with a bed in the background.

Third engraving from act I from the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina's arrival to Calisto's house accompanied by Sempronio. Pármeno opens the door and Calisto waits upstairs.

First engraving from act II of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Calisto has a bag of money in hand and speaks with Celestina. Pármeno is in the background next to the window looking incredulous. This image corresponds to the last of the first act despite being behind the argument of the second act.

Second engraving from act II of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pármeno helps Calisto mount his horse to pass by Melibea's house.

Engraving from act III of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Sempronio accompanies Celestina to the door of her house where Elicia is at the window.

Engraving from act IV of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina offers string to Melibea while a female character, Alisa or Lucrecia, has her back turned.

Engraving from act V of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Same engraving that was the second in act I to represent Celestina's arrival to Calisto's house accompanied by Sempronio and Pármeno opening the door. Here it seems to be used for Celestina's arrival to the house, so the male character that opens the…

Engraving from act VI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina gives Calisto the string while, in the background, Pármeno and Sempronio mock the situation.

Engraving from act VII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina speaks with Areúsa, who is semi-nude in her bed, and Pármeno waits impatiently outside.

Engraving from act VIII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pármeno and Sempronio serve and talk with Calisto in his room. Not a very specific image for the action in this act.

Engraving from act IX of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Banquet at Celestina's house with Pármeno, Areúsa, Sempronio and Elicia.

First engraving from act X of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Meeting at Celestina's house, Celestina, Alisa and Lucrecia.

Second engraving from act X of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Melibea falls unconscious in her home in front of Celestina.

Engraving from act XI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina speaks with Calisto in the street (on the way to the church of Magdalena) while Pármeno and Sempronio speak amongst themselves.

First engraving from act XII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Calisto speaks with Melibea through the garden door while his servants keep watch. Lucrecia listens to the conversation between Calisto and Melibea.

Second engraving from act XII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Two panels separated by a wall. On the right, Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina while Elicia cries for help. In the left margin, armed men knock on the door.

Engraving from act XIII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. Sosia witnesses the event.

Grabado del acto XIV de la edición de Augsburg, 1520.
Calisto and Melibea's encounter in the garden with Lucrecia as a witness and Sosia and Tristán keeping watch outside. It is not the same engraving used in the argument although it has many similarities.

Engraving from act XV of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Elicia and Areúsa see a heavily-armed Centurio off at the door.

Engraving from act XVI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pleberio and Alisa speak of Melibea's future while she is listening beside Lucrecia behind the door.
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