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Cover of the Applause Theater and Cinema Books edition, 2000
In the cover appears a reproduction of the old cover of the Seville edition, 1511 (1502).

Cover of the Biblioteca de la Universidad de Barcelona edition, 2009
Originally published in 1575 by Juan de Lequerica.

Cover of the Hes & De Graaf Publishers edition, 2011
Dutch translation. The cover features the image from the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904).

Act I Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Melibea and Lucrecia see Calisto and his falcon in the garden.

Act II Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Sempronio talks to his owner Calisto

Act IV Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Celestina shows Melibea her spellbound thread.

Act VII Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Celestina keeps her promise to Pármeno, and he may keep Areúsa.

Act XII Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
The bailiff knocks on the door of Celestina's house before she is murdered.

Second Illustration of Act XII of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Pármeno and Sempronio murder Celestina

Act XIV Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Calisto and Melibea's first night of love

Act XIX Illustration of the Barcelona edition (1972)
Callisto falls off the ladder. Melibea, Tristán and Sosia are scared.

Representation of the Institute of Teaching and Technical Training No 27, Buenos Aires, by Irigoyen et al., 2012
Cast: Students and Faculty of Language and Literature
Lorena Junquera, Juan Cruz Pérez Remis, Verónica Badoza

Representation of la Casa de la Cultura de Panchimalco, El Salvador, 2013
Work presented at the Second Youth Theater Festival

Representation of Antigüo Cine Pinzales, Asturias, by Caamaño, 2008
Assistant director: Inma RodríguezLighting:Nona AsensioVideographic performance:Borja MitjansActresses: Lara Herrero and Arantxa FernándezTempus fugitTwo girls, in the not too distant future, appear in an abandoned theater in search of the "Capsules…

Cover of the Grupo Editorial Tomo edition: Mexico City, 2011
The image in the cover is from Picasso's 1905 work titled Portrait of Benedetta Canals

Cover proposal of La Celestina, by González (2016, c.)
Traditional technique, employing ink on parchment paper. One can observe the procuress with a glass in which she carries out her spells.

Celestina, by Acedo (2011, c.)
Portrait of the procuress Celestina

Cover in watercolor of La Celestina, by Acedo (2011, c.)
Cover in watercolor of the Libro de Calixto y Melibea y la puta vieja Celestina("Book of Calixto and Melibea and the old whore Celestina")

Accompanying Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina and Lucrecia, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina and Pármeno, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina and Calisto at Church, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina and Melibea, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Areúsa, Pármeno and Celestina, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Celestina manipulates the characters, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Melibea offers the Celestina a string, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Gifting of a Gold Chain, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Lucrecia, by Acedo (2008 c.)
From the series La Celestina (2008, c.)

Illustration of an old woman giving a young woman a letter, by Passe (1600 c.)
Illustration of an old woman giving a love letter to a young woman, in the background to the right a feathered hat or a flower vase. Undearneath, written in French and German is the following text: "I swear that he is so taken by you that he is…

El Palco de la Celestina, by Santasusagna (1944 c.)
Winner of the Honor Award in the 1944 Fine Arts Exhibition in Barcelona.

Portada de la Tercera Celestina, de  Gómez de Toledo, 1539
Cover page in which the execution of Celestina is depicted

Illustration of one of the problematic copies of the supposed 1502 edition, actually 1513-15, Cromberger, This copy includes the usual illustration for the execution plus this one of a servant taken to the gallows. It looks as it had been taken from…

A strange illustration of the execution of Parmeno and Sempronio that introduces a female character as executioner. It could be Areúsa or Elicia, or an allegorical character. It is not clear if there is a bag of money or an allusion to the horn of…

Study for an engraving in the Hortus Voluptatum, by de Passe (1599)
A woman and a man in the center of a room. The woman points to the bed while he has his hand on her waist. There is another woman at the door.

Celestina in three vignettes, by Antonio (2008)
Three vignettes of a comic of Celestina using an online program for this kind of creations. Made for pedagogical use

Representation of the Cátedra Extraordinaria Juan Ruiz de Alarcón of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma, Mexico, 2017
Dramatized reading of act IV, 17 September 2017 in Centro Cultural El Foco, Tlacotalpan 16, CDMX, as part of the 6° Encuentro de Lectura en Voz Alta. Counting with four readers.

Lucrecia: Musa Georgina Galindo Orihuela.
Alisa: Aline Yazharit…

Engraving act XXI, Valencia, 1575
Melibea's suicide and Pleberio's lament. A third character coming out of the tower

Cover of Montaner y Simón, Barcelona, 1952
An image of two cherubs or cupids.

Cove of Gilman´s The Spain of Fernando de Rojas
. 1978. Literatura española. ¿Rojas, Fernando de? 7 Celestina.06 (860 ¿Rojas, Fernando de? 7 Celestina.06) 21 cm. 534 p., 1 h. Encuadernación en tapa blanda de editorial ilustrada. Colección Persiles , numero…

Cover of Libsa, Madrid (2017)
A collage depicting a Celestina based on Picasso's famous painting, Calisto and Melibea embracing in front of an arch or window, and a black cat.

Wine Celestina, Argentina
Wine label with a young woman,. It does not seem to be relate to the literary character of Celestina, especially because it is an Argentinian wine and the Italina connection is more likely.

Cover of Seville, 1501
Comedia de Calisto y Melibea Oxford (UK), Taylorian Institute Library Taylorian TAY Main Libr MICR.1267 Paris (Fr), Bibliothèque nationale de France RES-YG-63 Record inUTSC

Cover of Valencia, 1575
Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea, de Joan Navarro, Valencia, 1575. Imagen compuesta que parece un fragmento del modelo con que arranca de Cromberger, Sevilla, 1511 (1502) y Valencia, 1514, que presenta el huerto con Calisto y Melibea, el criado con…

Engravings in a collection representing different characters in he city of Bologna, in this case a procuress at the door of a house with two women

The Procuress or the Old Woman and the Gallant Young Man
A young woman appears in the centre of the painting looking to the right at an older woman who is holding a hand fan. To the left of the young woman, there is a young man covering his body and partly his face.

The Fortune Teller, by Paolini (1681)
The Fortune Teller displays the exaggerated tenebrism (contrasting light and shadow) that was initiated by Caravaggio. Symbolic elements such as the mirror that the young man on the left is holding suggests vanity, while the garlic on his head may…

A Venetian Procuress, by Boissard (1581)
Image of three women of the sex trade in Venice, including two prostitutes and a procuress.

Other title: Prostituée bourgeoise, Noble prostituée vénitienne, Maquerelle vénitienne

Celestina, by Barbudo (2003)
OMENTARIO A LA OBRA PRESENTADA La obra de Isabel Barbudo, titulada "Celestina", simboliza, en los personajes de la inmortal creacion de Fernando de Rojas,la ambicion de conseguir los deseos mas inconfesables por cualquier medio, lo que fatalmente…

Representation of Second Act, Almuñecar, 2018
The group Segundo Acto (Second act) is formed of Silvio Rivas (Father), Francisco Gabriel Martín (Calixto), Inma Molina (Melibea), Lorenzo Guerrero (Sempronio), Mari Carmen Díaz (Celestina), Emerencia Alabarce (Elicia), José Francisco Villoslada…

Representation of Bambalinas, Valencia, 2018
Puppet representation. "Carme Teatre presenta una adaptación de La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas, donde las técnicas y recursos propios de los títeres y del teatro de objetos harán posible una puesta en escena dinámica y contemporánea, rica en…

Vanitas, allegory of ages, by Martinelli (1650 c.)
Death, young and old woman, a servant or procuress, coins.

La Celestina (Goya), by Braun-Vega (2000, c.)
Self/portrait, Goya's maja and naked young girl

'The Pained Heart', or 'Sigh No More, Ladies', or 'Juliet and her Nurse, by Hughes (1867)'
Old lady and young woman, Pre Raphaelite style, several possible interpreations.

Other titles: Sigh No More, Ladies, Juliet and her Nurse

Calligraphic rendering of the words La Celestina, Ceibe (2014)
Elaborate calligraphic rendering of the words La Celestina in a style that has reminiscences of Miro and Lorca´s drawings

In the Salon, by Toulouse-Lautrec (1893)
Madam and two girls in a brothel's salon.

Other title: Au salon

La Celostina, Mexican television character (2000)
Sketches del programa cómico La Hora Pico de El Canal del las Estrellas, México. En cada historia Celestina sale con un hombre diferente, pero nunca falta que malinterprete las acciones de su pareja al estar con otra mujer (viéndola, hablándole) y se…

The Prodigal Son Today, cover of book by Hooft (1630)
Scene from the Biblical story of the prodigal son

Cover of the Zaragoza edition, 1554
An illustrated edition with 26 engravings (plus the cover)The image in the cover is the same as the one used inZaragoza 1545, but the typographic composition of the page is different.A very elaborate composite model that originated fromValencia,…

Old celestina, by Alenza y Nieto (1830, c.)
The image shows a young man sitting at a table and an old woman with her head covered talking to him. The way in which the old woman is represented is reminiscent of Celestina in the Celestinesque tradition.

Today Fresh Sausage, by Grosz (1928)
Mixed media, watercolor and ink, on paper.
A young carrying a package and an old woman . Although there is no indication of being a procuress and her protegee, Grosz painted many scenes of prostitution in Weimer Germany.

Romance del conde Claros, by Varesio (1593, c.)
Original title: Romance del Conde Claros de Moltauan : con vn villancico pastoril al cabo, muy gracioso ("Romance of Count Claros from Montalban: with a pastoral carol at the end, very funny").

Same engraving as the one Fadrique de Basilea used in…

Postal stamp of the Festival La Celestina, by FNMT (2018)
Postal stamp commemorating the Festival La Celestina that takes place in La Puebla de Montalban, the town in Toledo province where Fernando de Rojas was born. The festival takes place every year. The stamp is a red and white version of part of the…
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