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El diván
Two lovers in a local brothel with late 19th century set. In the background one can see Celestina, the old procuress who accentuates the scene with her inquisitive gaze. SignedP. Ruiz Picasso-in the bottom right-hand corner.Contribution of the…

Celestina Weaving (Celestina tejiendo), by Picasso (1903)
Celestina can be seen as a weaver, one of the six trades she practices. On the left side, there is a young woman that brings her bread and possibly oil and wine in the amphora that she carries on her head.

Portrait of an old woman.

Full title/ Other titles: La Célestine (Carlota Valdivia), La femme à la taie

The Harem, by Picasso (1906)
Notice the old woman in the corner at the back of the picture.

Full title/ Other titles: Le harem, Nus roses, Figures roses

This blue period drawing by Picasso portrays an old woman in the center covered with a cape and looking at the viewer. In the background there are a young woman on her left and a man on her right.

German translation with the 66 illustrations by Picasso of the Suite 347. For a detailed description see the following article by: Gustav Siebenmann, "Una versión alemana de Celestina," Celestinesca (1991): 67-70See also the related items at the…

Representation of the María Castaña Theatre, Córdoba, Argentina, by Piccotto, 2021
"La Celestina, tragicomedia de Lita"

Free version by Julieta Daga and David Piccotto of the work by Fernando de Rojas.
Direction: David Piccotto.
Costume and set designer: Santiago Pérez.
Lighting designer: Lilian Mendizábal.
Original music:…

Cover of the Madrid edition, 1569
A pair of lovers in a border with Cupid in the middle firing an arrow.

Portada de Venecia, 1535.
This is the same as the Venecia, 1519 and Venecia, 1531 editions. Please see the description there.

Cover of the Espasa-Calpe: Madrid edition, 1980
A sepia drawing of a very old woman.

Representation of the Centro de Arte Theater, Guayaquil, Ecuador, by Pinto, 1994
American Art Company

Cast: Marina Salvarezza, Mirella Tironi, Jose Sanchez, Hugo Aviles, Rafael de la Vera, Maribel Solines, Ruth Coello among others.

The fake aunt, by Pla Gallardo (1899)
The image shows five figures; in the center, an old woman with her head covered following the celestinesque tradition, on the right a young couple, and on the left two women with habits. The trio can represent the typical triangle of prostitute,…

La Celestina, by Pla (1899)
Drawing in a literary journal by Cecilio Plá.

Gloria, by Pla (1901)
Recreation by the painter and illustrator of Galdós' character Gloria from the work of the same name published in 1876. Note the presence of the old women with a celestinesque appearance in the church in this work in which the heroine falls in love…

Illustration in the Barcelona edition (1952)
Drawing by Cecilio Pla, contained in the edition by Pedro Bohigas.

Celestina in the comic strip El rapto de la Sabina, by Pons (1891)
The comic strip in the second image reproduces The Kidnapping of the Sabine Woman. In the first image, which is a fragment of the comic strip, you can see an old woman and in the description she is referred to as Celestina. It is this figure that…

Cover of the Ed. Univers edition, 1973
Romanian translation. The image in the cover is a reproduction of the cover of the Rome edition (1520, c.).

Representation of the Main Theatre UC Davis, California, by Popper, 1979
Calisto and MelibeaLibretto: Edwin HonigMusic: Jerome RosenDepartment of Dramatic Art & Music

Escena de burdel (Una alegre compañía en una mesa), de Pot (1630 c.)
A room with a table with a red tablecloth. On the left, a young woman near a man and next to her an old woman who seems to act like a procuress.

This painting depicts the biblical story of the prodigal son in the house of prostitutes. In the painting, young women are mingling with men around a table. An old woman, acting as a procuress appears on the right.

Plate of La Celestina, by Pradal (1968)
8 x 18Plate from the work: L erotismo in Spagna.1. Rear: José Antolinez. La Magdalena Author/s: Xavier Domingo Publisher: Sampietro Editore. Edition date: 1968.

Cover of the Maucci edition, 1961
The cover art depicts a young couple, clearly meant to be Calisto and Melibea, embracing. In the background, Celestina watches them with a mischievous smile.

Representation of the J. K. Tyla Plzeň Theater, Pilsen, Czechia, by Pražmári, 1996
Translation: Hodoušek
Adaptation: Marie Caltová

Assistant director: Jakub Zindulka
Scenography: Štefan Bunta
Costumes: Mona Hafsahl
Music: Peter Vaňouček
Songs lyrics: Jan Kosek
Co-répétiteur: Pavel Kantořík

Zorka Kostková –…

Portada de la edición de Editorial La Muralla, 1967
The cover depicts a conglomeration of scenes, which is a reproduction of the engraving of the argument of the Augsburg edition (1520). First, Calisto and Melibea are depicted in the garden, while, in the foreground, Sempronio and Parmeno can be seen…

Illustration of Melibea, by Prieto (1943)
In the image there appear several figures that represent characters from the work: a man and an old woman with her head covered in the center can represent Calixto and Celestina, a young woman on the left can represent Melibea and on the right…

Medal from the Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre, by Manuel Prieto (1957).
Medal in bronze. On the obverse side there is the image of a naked young woman with a snake. On the reverse side, a rope with two knots and the words: "an old bearded woman known as Celestina, who is a astute sorceress, expert in all kind of evil…

Cover of the Editorial Leyenda: Mexico edition, 1947
A drawing suggestive of the kidnapping of Europe but with two characters and a Goya-style goat. There is a certain Picasso-like influence.

Representation of The Citizens Theatre, Glasgow, by Prowse, 1986
Representation directed by Phillip Prowse by The Citizens Company for the Citizens Theatre, in Glasgow. Photos of the representation by photographer John Vere Brown. The pictures show the actors and parts of the stage.

Still from the movie The Slums (Barrios bajos) (1937).
There is an older woman that acts as the Celestina for young, working-class women. Observe the older woman's scarf.

Poster of the Festival of La Celestina, Puebla de Montalbán (2019)
Poster of the 21st Celestina Festival that each year takes place in Puebla de Montalbán, where Fernando de Rojas was born. Several activities and performances take place during the festival. The picture in the poster is from one of these…

Poster of he Market of Celestina, Puebla de Montalban (2018)
Poster announcing the celebration of a public market within the annual celebrations of the yearly Celestina Festival organized by the city of Puebla de Montalban

Love arias around La Celestina Concert, Puebla de Montalbán, 2018
Original title: Arias de amor en torno a la Celestina ("Love arias around La Celestina").

Concert of a repertoire of love songs related to the world and period of La Celestina

Poster for the Celestina Festival 2020, where works of various artists will be performed, among these the work of Teo Puebla.

Portada de la edición Noble, de la edición conmemorativa del V centenario, 1999
Noble edition published in commemoration of the 500th anniversary.

Portada de la edición de Castalia: Barcelona, 2012.
The cover features the image from the painting Maja and Celestina (c.1824) by Francisco de Goya.

Lady Milagros (Doña Milagros), cover of La novela de hoy (1925 c.)
La novela de hoy is a series of popular novels from the 1920s and 1930s that are characterized by noteworthy covers that sometimes have an erotic theme.
In this case it consists of the opposite representation of a procuress since she is an old woman…

Calisto and Melibea, by Pukingrainbows (sic) (2009)
A drawing by the DeviantArt user Pukingrainbows. He/she explains that he/she was studying for his/her Spanish literature class and became bored and began to draw and produced this drawing.

Illustration for La Celestina, by Quevedo (1967)
Series of engraving for an illustrated edition in German that was not published

Representation of the Las Máscaras Theater, Santo Domingo, 2012
UNAPEC Theater group
Duration: 90 min.

Lidia Ariza- Celestina
Bryan Payano- Calisto
Jisell Sanchez- Melibea
Félix Melián- Pármeno
Javé Javier- Sempronio
Aleja Jhonson- Elicia

Franco's Black Spain, by Quintanilla (1938)
Ink drawings in a series.
Note the celestinesque characters with their heads covered and in some images the old woman appears with a rosary.

Celestina Dressing Melibea Post-Mortem (Celestina ataviando a Melibea post-mortem), by Quirós (1972)
Surrealistic painting in dark blue tones


Welcome to a night of pure theatrical magic in the heart of Madrid! In the emblematic Teatro Arlequín Gran Vía, the central studios of Radio Nacional de España come to life tonight thanks to radio theatre. The star of the evening? Nothing less than…

La Celestina (cycle), by Ramírez Máro (2011)
Cycle of paintings inspired byLa Celestina. The author explores the themes of vanitas, the seven deadly sins, and impermance.


Divine Treasure, by Ramírez Montesinos (1916)
Three figures appear in the image; a young woman in the center, a girl on the left and an old woman looking at the young woman with her head covered following the celestinesque tradition. The old woman can act as a procuress for the young woman.The…

Representation of the Can Ventosa, Ibiza, by Ramón Ballcells, 2007
Representation of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas. Adapted version by Juan E. Ramón Ballcells from the Morgana Teatre company at the Can Ventosa Cultural Center, Ibiza, Spain.

Xisca Bibiloni (Celestina)
David Navarro (Calixto)

Representation of the Teatro Clásico, Sevilla, 2008
Representation directed by Ramón Bocanegra in Teatro Clásico in Sevilla. Dramaturgy: Alfonso Zurro. Starring Roberto Quintana.Cast: Gina Escánez, Juanfra Sánchez, Julián Manzano, Moncho Sánchez, Montse Rueda, Paqui Montoya, Roberto Quintana, Serafín…

Illustration from act VII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Aréusa, Elicia and houses.

Una vieja, de Ramos (1900 c.)
Engraving byJosé García Ramos,where an old woman can be seen in the middle of a street. In the foreground on the right there is a dog and in the background on the left a silhouette of a person wearing a hat.In Celestinesca, Vol. 26, No.…

La casa de Celestina, de Rego, (2000)
"Paula Rego paints a world of dark fairy tale where childhood stories are thin guises for psycho-sexual intrigue and taboo, where magical realism rules, where nothing is certain except the witchy powers of feminism, and the underlying notion that…

La Celestina, by Rego (2001)
Lithograph with handcolouring by Charlotte Hodes, on Arches wove paper.
signed in pencil, numbered 11/17, there were also a few artist's proofs
published by the artist and Marlborough Graphics, London, printed by Paupers Press, London

Celestina's prize II, by Rego (2000, c.)
In the engraving appears an old woman with a naked torso resting on a table. Two men appear in the engraving, one sitting in front of the woman and the other standing and looking at her.

Black Spain, by Regoyos (1899)
Old woman by a fire with a bellow.Noice the similarity to 1929,La chiquita piconera de Romero de Torres

Kassel 1.jpg
Act 1 - Represents the scene in the field where Callisto declares his love for Melibea.

Kassel 2.jpg
Act 1 - Represents the scene where Melibea rejects Callisto's declaration of love.

Kassel 3.jpg
Act 4 - Represents the scene where Celestina visits Melibea at her home.

Kassel 4.jpg
Act 12 - Represents the scene where Sempronio and Pármeno go to Celestina's house and after an argument, they end up killing the procuress.

Kassel 5.jpg
Act 16 - Represents the scene where Pleberio and Alisa (Melibea's parents), discuss her marriage. Melibea listens to the conversation and sends Lucrecia to end it.

Kassel 6.jpg
Act 20 - Represents the scene where Melibea is at the top of a tower and upon hearing that her beloved Callisto has died, she decides to jump from the tower.

Kassel 7.jpg
Act 21 - Represents the scene where Pleberio and Alisa (Melibea's parents) mourn the death of their daughter.

Cover of the Bambú Barcelona, 2011 edition.
A silhouette of two lovers in black and red, in the style of a cinema projection.

Celestina 1.jpg
In this representation of Bathsheba, Rembrandt depicts her as a naked young woman holding a letter from King David. Bathing the young woman, a Celestina inspired character appears on the left as an older woman. This topic also appears in Picasso's…

Toledo 1526.jpg
On the left, Calisto and Melibea in the walled garden, Celestina with the rosary, thread and a cane knocking on a door and a young woman (Lucrecia) leaning out the window to see who is calling at the door. This is an edition with 25 illustrations…

Illustration from the cover from the Toledo edition (1526)
Calisto and Melibea are in the walled garden on the left. Celestina is carrying the rosary, the string and a walking stick while knocking on a door and a young woman (Lucrecia) appears at the window to see who is knocking.

First illustration from act I from the Toledo edition (1526)
Five factotums and six names on top: Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Elicia, Crito. Celestina is carrying the rosary and a walking stick.

Second illustration from act I from the I Toledo edition (1526)
Drop cap letter E of the first words of the play, "In this I see..." Within the letter there is a saint with a candle or a candelabra.

Illustration from act II from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotum with five blocks: houses, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and houses. Sempronio has a beard and Pármeno is holding a bag. The houses are mirror images of a same model.

Illustration from act III from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Sempronio, Celestina, Elicia and the same houses inverted. Celestina is holding a rosary and a walking stick, same image used before.

Illustration from act IV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums: houses, Lucrecia, Celestina, Alisa and Melibea. They are speaking in pairs, Celestina with Lucrecia and Alisa with Melibea. Celestina and Alisa are characterized as old women with their heads covered.

Illustration from act V from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums: houses, Celestina, Sempronio, Pármeno and Calisto.

Illustration from act VI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration from act VIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotum of five blocks: houses, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and houses. Sempronio has a beard and Pármeno is holding a bag. The houses are mirror images of a same model.

Illustration from act IX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Five factotums and six names above: Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Elicia, Lucrecia, Areúsa.

Illustration from act X of the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Alisa, Lucrecia and houses, the characters speaking in pairs.

First illustration from act XII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration from act XI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Celestina, Calisto, Sempronio, Pármeno and Elicia.

Second illustration from act XII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Alisa, Pleberio, Celestina, Elicia and houses. Exceptionally the names are underneath instead of above the figures.

Third illustration from act XII of the Toledo edition (1525)
Judge and two soldiers with Pármeno and Sempronio (one on the floor, the other jumping out the window) on the left side and on the right, Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina with swords while Elicia pulls out her own hair behind Celestina. Curiously…

Illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of buildings, Calisto, Tristán, Sosia and buildings. Tristán and Sosia are armed with swords.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution with two soldiers, judge, Sosia contemplating him and executioner wearing a turban. One of the executed carries a cross in hand.

First illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán and Calisto.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Sosia and Tristán are armed in the street while Calisto goes up the staircase beside Melibea's garden, who is waiting for him inside with Lucrecia.

Illustration from act XV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Elicia, the moço (sic), Centurio, Areúsa and houses.

Illustration from act XVI from the Toledo (1526)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Alisa, Pleberio and houses.

Illustration from act XVII from the edition Toledo (1526)
Factotums of houses, Elicia, Aréusa, Sosia and houses.

Illustration from act XVIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of houses, Aréusa, Elicia, same unnamed character called the "moço" as in the illustration from act XV, and Centurio.
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