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Illustration of La Celestina, by Hijo (2017)
Illustration from the newspaper El día de Salamanca

Engraving of Celestina, by Hijo (2019)
Engraving of Celestina, description by author: ¨El último encargo de 2018 lo hizo @carlos_disfruta y fue esta #Celestina para regalar a @Aradhriel. Me sonaba que ella había interpretado al personaje. Así era, así que basé el diseño en su propia…

Cover of the Antwerp edition, 1574
Tragicomedie van Calisto ende Melibea. Anónimo trad. TʼHantwerpen: HeyndricHeyndricz, 1574. Traducción anónima al holandés. La mayoría de lasilustraciones son copias giradas de las ilustraciones deZaragoza…

Engraving from act 21 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia dela imagen del acto XX de la edición de Zaragoza, (1545).Sosia y Tristán retiran el cuerpo muerto de Calisto.

Engraving from act 20 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia dela imagen del acto XX de la edición de Zaragoza, (1545).Sosia y Tristán retiran el cuerpo muerto de Calisto.

Engraving from act 19 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de lailustración del acto XIV de la edición de Zaragoza(1545).Calisto subiendo por una escala mientras Melibea y Lucrecia están asomadas a dos arcos. A la derecha, Sosia y Tristán, de guardia afuera

Engraving from act 18 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de lailustración del acto XV de la edición de Zaragoza (1545). Representar a Elicia ayudando a Areúsa a hacer las paces con Centurio.

Engraving from act 17 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia del grabado delacto XVII de la edición de Zaragoza(1545). Areúsa en su casa, que recibe a Sosia, mientras Elicia escucha escondida. Cama y escaleras de fondo.

Engraving from act 16 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia delgrabado del acto XVI en la edición de Zaragoza(1545).Lucrecia y Melibea, sobre un cojín, al otro lado de una puerta escuchan la conversación entre Pleberio y Alisa, sentados en otra habitación.

Engraving from act 15 of Antwerp, 1574
Elicia y Areúsa conciertan la venganza contra Calisto con Centurio, representado con espada. De fondo una cama y escaleras. Se vuelve a usar la imagen en el acto XVIII.

First engraving from act 14 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia de la ilustración del acto XIV de la edición de Zaragoza(1545).Calisto subiendo por una escalera mientras Melibea y Lucrecia están asomadas a dos arcos, y dos criados de guardia afuera.

Second engraving from act 14 of Antwerp, 1574
Ejecución de Pármeno y Sempronio. A la izquierda el juez y tres personajes, uno de ellos probablemente Sosia. A la derecha la ejecución, con uno de los reos decapitados y otro siendo decapitado. Dos personajes con barba a la…

Second engraving from act 13 of Antwerp, 1574
Está copiada de laZaragoza 1545pero hay cambios notables. No existe equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616Sosia y Tristán hablan a la puerta sobre la ejecución de Pármeno y Sempronio mientras Calisto yace en su…

First engraving from act 13 of Antwerp, 1574
Está copiada con cambios notables de la edición deZaragoza, 1545. No tiene equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616

Engraving from act 11 of Antwerp, 1574
It is copied with changes from theZaragoza 1545edition.

Engraving from act 10 of Antwerp, 1574
Esta copiada girada y cambiada de la edición deZaragoza, 1545.Se ha usado ya en el acto 4. No tiene equivalente enAmberes 1616en este capítulo, pero si en el 4.

Engraving from act 9 of Antwerp, 1574
Escena del banquete en casa de Celestina. Es copia girada y simplifiicada (falta el gato) de la deZaragoza 1545.La ilustración usada en la reedición deAmberes 1616es muy diferente.

Engraving from act 8 of Antwerp, 1574
Escena doble. A la derecha Pármeno se ha levantado para ir a casa de su amo tras pasar la noche con Areúsa.Esta copiada de la deZaragoza, 1545. No tiene equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616

Variación de la escena delacto VII de Zaragoza (1545). Celestina hablando con Pármeno a la puerta de Areúsa, que yace en la cama. Nótese que en esta versión, adiferencia del caso de la imagende Zaragoza (1545),la…

Engraving from act 6 of Antwerp, 1574
Copiada girada y alterada de la deZaragoza, 1545

Engraving from act 5 of Antwerp, 1574
Copia girada de la ilustración del acto V de laedición de Zaragoza(1545). Escena doble en que se presenta a la izquierda a Calisto sentado y Pármeno de pie, y a la derecha a Celestina llegando a casa de Calisto acompañada…

graving from act 4 of Antwerp, 1574
Se vuelve a usar en el acto 10. Es copia del acto 10 de la deZaragoza, 1545, que presenta una dirferente para el acto III.

Engraving from act 3 of Antwerp, 1574
Sempronio, acompañado de Celestina, llega a casa de ésta, donde está Elicia en el interior, ocupada en una labor.No tiene equivalente en la reedición deAmberes 1616Copia girada y alterada de la deZaragoza, 1545.

Engraving from act 2 of Antwerp, 1574
Tres hombres hablando en la calle y. No está muy claro a qué escena de la obra se refiere pues la imagen es demasiado genérica.Copia girada y modificada de la deZaragoza, 1545. de la que cambia en que no hay una mujer en la…

Engraving from act 1 of Antwerp, 1574
Es copia dela imagen del acto XX de la edición de Zaragoza, (1545).Sosia y Tristán retiran el cuerpo muerto de Calisto.

Cover of the Antwerp edition (1574)
Cover that looks like a rotated copy from theZaragoza edition (1545)but from a much less careful production. See the description on Zaragoza's cover. It is an edition with illustrations that can be seen here.Very similar to the laterreeditionAntwerp…

Illustration of act XXI of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of act XXI of the Zaragoza edition (1545).Three bearded male characters contemplate Melibea's body lying face down, and beside her, Lucrecia, Alisa and Pleberio. One unidentified character watching from the wall also contemplates the scene…

Illustration of act XX of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVI of the Zaragoza (1545)edition.Pleberio, behind him Alisa in bed, knocking on Melibea's door. Lucrecia answering and Melibea saddened sitting on the dais.This has already been used in act XVI with a different…

Second illustration of act XIX of the Antwerp illustration (1616)
A copy of the image of act XX of the Zaragoza (1545) edition. Sosia and Tristán remove Calisto's corpse.

First illustration of act XIX of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XIV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Calisto climbing a ladder while Melibea and Lucrecia are watching from two arches. On the right Sosia and Tristán, standing guard outside.This has been used in acts XII and…

Illustration of act XVIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XV of the Zaragoza edition(1545). It has already been used in acts XII and XV. Now it is being used to represent Elicia helping Areúsa make peace with Centurio.

Illustration of act XVII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVII of the Zaragoza edition (1545). Areúsa in her house, receiving Sosia, while Elicia listens in hiding. A bed and stairs in the background. This has already been used in act III.

Illustration of act XVI of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVI in the Zaragoza edition (1545).Lucrecia and Melibea on a cushion, on the other side of a door, listening to the conversation between Pleberio and Alisa, who are seated in another room. This is used again in act XX.

Illustration of act XV of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Elicia and Areúsa orchestrate their revenge against Calisto with Centurio, shown with a sword. In the background, a bed and stairs. This image is used again in act XVIII.

Illustration of act XIV of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XIV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Calisto climbs the ladder while Melibea and Lucrecia look out from two arches and two servants on guard outside. This has been used in act XII and is also used in act XIX.

Second illustration of act XIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Scene in which Pármeno and Sempronio are executed. This is one of the rare cases in which this edition does not follow the images in Zaragoza (1545).This image was possibly taken from one of the books ofthe period depicting the extermination…

First illustration of act XIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
An image of a man arriving to a tower with a woman at the door and another man inside. This image does not seem to have anything to do with the events in act XIII, other than the generic idea of arriving to give news, but the female character does…

Second illustration of act XII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XV Zaragoza edition (1545). Elicia y Areúsa plot their revenge against Calisto with Centurio, shown with a sword. In the background, a bed and stairs. It is used again in acts XV y XVIII.

First illustration of act XII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the illustration of act XIV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Calisto climbing a ladder while Melibea and Lucrecia are looking out of two arches. To the right, Sosia y Tristán, stand guard outside. This is used again in acts XIV y XIX

Illustration of act XI of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Already used in acts III y VI. It does not appear to be a copy of illustrations in the Zaragoza edition (1545), one of the few instances in the book. It is, however, due to its simplicity, a provision that calls to mind a composition of factotums,…

Illustration of act X of the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same image, already used in acts IV y VIII. A simplified copy generated from the engraving of act IV in the Zaragoza edition (1545). Note that in the Zaragoza edition there is a pet that has been erased here.

Illustration of act IX of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Banquet scene at Celestina's house in an illustration completely unrelated to the equivalent illustration in the Zaragoza edition (1545), of which, generally speaking, almost all the illustrations here have been copied.

Illustration of act VIII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same illustration as was used in act IV. A simplified copy generated from the engraving of act IV of the Zaragoza edition(1545).Celestina at Melibea's house, and she with Lucrecia sitting on a dais, while Alisa leaves with the messenger who has…

Illustration of act VII of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A variation of the scene of act VII of the Zaragoza edition (1545). Celestina speaking with Pármeno at Areúsa's door, while she is lying in bed. Note that in this version, different from the image in Zaragoza, that the couple in bed are…

Illustration of act VI from the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same illustration that was used for act III and is used again for act VIII.

Illustration of act V of the Antwerp edition (1616)
The same illustration used in act I, which in turn is a copy of the illustration of Act V in the Zaragoza edition (1545). A double scene in which Calisto is shown seated and Pármeno standing, and on the right Celestina arriving at Calisto's…

Illustration of act IV of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A simplified copy of the engraving from act IV in the Zaragoza edition (1545).Celestina at Melibea's house, where she is with Lucrecia on the side, while Alisa leaves with the messenger that has come for her.Note that in the Zaragoza version there is…

First illustration of act III of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Double image that shows Calisto and Celestina'smeeting while Pármeno and Sempronio talk amongst themselves. This does not appear to be a copy of the illustrations in Zaragoza (1545), one of the few cases in the book. Due to the simplicity of…

Second illustration of act III of the Antwerp edition (1616)
A copy of the engraving of act XVII in the Zaragoza edition(1545). Where it is used to represent Areúsa in her house, receiving Sosia, while Elicia listens in hiding. Bed and stairs in the background. Here it appears to represent Sempronio…

Emblem in the prologue of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Likely the printer's emblem that depicts an animal, such as a fox or a wolf in vegetable form that appears to be the letter V.

Cover of the Antwerp edition (1616)
Cover that looks like a rotated copy from the Zaragoza edition (1545)but from a much less careful production. See the description on Zaragoza's cover. It is an edition with illustrations that can be seen here.

Illustration of act I of the Antwerp edition (1616)
This is a copy taken from the engraving from act V from the Zaragoza edition (1545). A double scene in which Calisto is shown seated on the left, and Pármeno standing, and on the right, Celestina accompanied by Sempronio. Note the black veil…

Sergio hernandez El sueno de la celestina.png
Different insects appear in the image that seem to form a face in the center of the etching.

Representation of the National Palace, Ciudad de México, by Hernández, 2016
La segunda Celestina ("The Second Celestina")Author: Sor Juana Inés de la CruzNational Company of Fénix NovohispanoClassical Theater Costume: Brisa AlonzoMusic:Mexico City String Quartet directed by Verónica PeraltaCast:Jacqueline Bribiesca,Víctor…

Cover of the Anaya: Madrid, 2006 edition.
A fragment of an unidentified painting depicting a woman combing her hair and another woman with her head covered. Although they are both young, it could be a representation of Celestina and Melibea.

La Celestina, by Hermida (1810)
Painting signed: “de Hermida” ("by Hermida"), from the Sevillian School, first third of the 19th century.

The painting represents an old woman with her head covered and a damaged eye, all in keeping with the celestinesque tradition. The…

Cover of the Losada: Buenos Aires edition, 1969
The cover features an illustration of a female figure. The use of colour- red, grey and black- result in a vibrant, eye catching design.

Cover of the University of Wisconsin Press edition, 1975
English translation.

The cover features a simple, slightly cartoonish representation of a woman's face, likely meant to represent Celestina, but it is ambiguous enough that it could also be interpreted as any of the female characters.

Easy company, by van Hemessen (1545, c.)
Dutch painting, genre painting or merry company.
Note the old woman in the foreground with the beer or wine mug.

Original title: Lockere Gesellschaft
Other title: Brothel Scene

El hijo prodigo, de Hemesse, (1536)
Genre painting by Flemish author, based on the parable of the prodigal son (merry company). Note the old woman in the foreground, who, Judas-like, reaches for the bread.

Other titles: The Prodigal Son, De Verloren Zoon

Representation of the Wrocławski Teatr Lalek, Wrocław, Poland, by Hejno, 1992
Translation: Kazimierz Zawanowski
Adaptation and staging: Wiesław Hejno
Scenography: Eugeniusz Get-Stankiewicz
Music: Zbigniew Karnecki
Assistant director: Jacek Przybyłowski

Jacek Przybyłowski – Calisto
Elżbieta Echaust –…

Representation of the Thalia Theatre, Hamburg, by Heinz, 1974-1975
Cast: Ulrich Matschoss, Charlotte Schellenberg, Elisabeth Rath, Susanne Schweiger, Hans Christian Rudolph, Heinz Trixner, Axel Radler, Konrad Krauss, Agnes Fink, Hanna Seiffert, Ursela Monn, Werner Opitz

At the procuress (after Jan Vermeer), by Hein (1992)
Original title: Bei der Kupplerin (nach Jan Vermeer) ("At the procuress (after Jan Vermeer)").

In the image appears a young couple surrounded by other figures. Next to the young woman appears an old woman with her head covered. By the title of the…

Cover of the Castalia Didáctica: Madrid, 2003 edition.
An old woman, characterized as a witch, offers a young woman a box or jewel. The image is reminiscent of the depictions of Snow White and the witch in Disney's images.

La Celestina...animu style, by happichuu (sic) (2009)
Drawing made by the DeviantArt user, happichuu, he/she was reading a book in a literature class and made his/her own interpretation of the characters in a Japanese cartoon style.


First engraving from act XXI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pleberio goes to wake up Alisa with the bad news of Melibea's death. Lucrecia laments in the background.

Second engraving from act XXI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Alisa beside Melibea's dead body and Lucrecia lamenting behind. In the background, Pleberio raises his hands to the sky.

Engraving from act XX of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Melibea falling from the tower while Pleberio lifts his hands to the sky.

Engraving from act XIX of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Sosia and Tristán pick up fallen and dead Calisto. Note that Melibea and Lucrecia are not visible.

Engraving from act XVIII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Elicia and Areúsa go to Centurio's house to ask him to avenge Celestina's death. Engraving very similar to act XV's.

Engraving from act XVII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Areúsa hugs Sosia while she coaxes her master's plans out of him.

Engraving from act XVI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pleberio and Alisa speak of Melibea's future while she is listening beside Lucrecia behind the door.

Engraving from act XV of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Elicia and Areúsa see a heavily-armed Centurio off at the door.

Grabado del acto XIV de la edición de Augsburg, 1520.
Calisto and Melibea's encounter in the garden with Lucrecia as a witness and Sosia and Tristán keeping watch outside. It is not the same engraving used in the argument although it has many similarities.

Engraving from act XIII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. Sosia witnesses the event.

Second engraving from act XII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Two panels separated by a wall. On the right, Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina while Elicia cries for help. In the left margin, armed men knock on the door.

First engraving from act XII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Calisto speaks with Melibea through the garden door while his servants keep watch. Lucrecia listens to the conversation between Calisto and Melibea.

Engraving from act XI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina speaks with Calisto in the street (on the way to the church of Magdalena) while Pármeno and Sempronio speak amongst themselves.

Second engraving from act X of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Melibea falls unconscious in her home in front of Celestina.

First engraving from act X of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Meeting at Celestina's house, Celestina, Alisa and Lucrecia.

Engraving from act IX of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Banquet at Celestina's house with Pármeno, Areúsa, Sempronio and Elicia.

Engraving from act VIII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pármeno and Sempronio serve and talk with Calisto in his room. Not a very specific image for the action in this act.

Engraving from act VII of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina speaks with Areúsa, who is semi-nude in her bed, and Pármeno waits impatiently outside.

Engraving from act VI of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina gives Calisto the string while, in the background, Pármeno and Sempronio mock the situation.

Engraving from act V of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Same engraving that was the second in act I to represent Celestina's arrival to Calisto's house accompanied by Sempronio and Pármeno opening the door. Here it seems to be used for Celestina's arrival to the house, so the male character that opens the…

Engraving from act IV of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina offers string to Melibea while a female character, Alisa or Lucrecia, has her back turned.

Engraving from act III of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Sempronio accompanies Celestina to the door of her house where Elicia is at the window.

Second engraving from act II of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Pármeno helps Calisto mount his horse to pass by Melibea's house.

First engraving from act II of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Calisto has a bag of money in hand and speaks with Celestina. Pármeno is in the background next to the window looking incredulous. This image corresponds to the last of the first act despite being behind the argument of the second act.

Third engraving from act I from the Augsburg edition (1520)
Celestina's arrival to Calisto's house accompanied by Sempronio. Pármeno opens the door and Calisto waits upstairs.

Second engraving from act I from the Augsburg edition (1520)
Conversation between Sempronio and a melancholic Calisto seated at the table where there is a lute. In his bedroom with a bed in the background.

First engraving from act I of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Initial encounter between Calisto and Melibea. Horse and falcon. Space surrounded by a wall, but different from the garden.

Engraving of the argument of the Augsburg edition (1520)
Nocturnal scene with Calisto and Melibea in the garden with Sosia and Tristán talking outside in the foreground and Lucrecia in the back of the garden.

Merry company, by Hals (1620, c.)
The image shows an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table on a terrace. Note the old woman who appears in the center with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition, which may act as the procuress of the young…

Hostel scene, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Scène d'auberge("Hostel scene").The image shows an indoor scene where several young men appear drinking and a young woman among them. To the right in the foreground is an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque…

Interior with gallant company, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Interiör med galant sällskap("Interior with gallant company").In the image a young couple appears in a room. To the left appears an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition. The three figures in the scene…

Merry company making music on a terrace, by Hals (1650, c.)
The image represents an outdoor scene where young men and women appear on a terrace. Two of the men play musical instruments. Note the old woman who appears in the window on the right looking at the scene with her head covered, following the…
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