Toledo (1538)

(Click the image for more information and other engravings)

Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea [..] con el tratado de Centurio y el auto de Traso. Toledo: Juan de Ayala, 1538.

They are the same images used in the Toledo edition (1526) by Remón de Petras. There are, however, curious changes in the order of characters presented in the factotums, specific image choice, etc.

Contains 24 images, most factotums with names of characters written above. Only images that are not made of factotums are the cover or introduction, Celestina's death and Sempronio and Pármeno's arrest by the judge (act XII, second illustration), their execution in another engraving (act XIII, second illustration), Calisto climbing into the garden (act XIV, second illustration), Calisto's fall and death (act XX, second illustration), and Melibea's suicide (act XXII).

The Hispninc Society of America via TeXTReD online has another copy of this book

Description in the Edición e introducción crítica by Miguel Marciales (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985), volume I, pg. 8: "Bb. Cuarta de Toledo, febrero 28, 1538. Juan de Ayala. Edición que incluye el Auto de Traso. Carece de materia conclusoria. Un ejemplar en la Hispanic Society of America y otro la BNE R4423."

See other copies' signature in file at UTSC
Detailed description in PhiloBiblon