Toledo (1526)

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Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. Remón de Petras, Toledo, 1526.

25 images, most factotums with character names written above and some drop cap decorated letters. Included as complete images are the cover or introduction, Celestina's death, Sempronio and Pármeno's death (act XII, second illustration), their execution in another engraving (act XIII), Calisto climbing into the garden (act XIV, second illustration), Calisto's fall and death (act XX, second illustration), and Melibea's suicide (act XXI, second illustration).

The same images are reused in the Toledo edition (1538) by Juan de Ayala.

USTC 343245

Description in the Edición e introducción crítica de Miguel Marciales (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985), volume I, pg. 5: "R. Segunda de Toledo, junio 23, 1526. Remón de Petras. Incluye el Auto de Traso. Edición muy correcta que sigue a I y en algunos casos a G. Carece de materia conclusoria. Ejemplar único existente en el Museo Británico: c.63.c.24."

Griffin, Clive. “Four Rare Editions of ‘La Celestina.’” The Modern Language Review, vol. 75, no. 3, 1980, pp. 561–574.