Cover of the Figuerola edition: Barcelona, 1909

Cover of the Figuerola edition: Barcelona, 1909


Cover of the Figuerola edition: Barcelona, 1909


Figuerola, Joaquim.




Cover of the 1909 work bound in leather where two figures appear on a balcony: Melibea represented by a young woman braiding her hair and Celestina represented by an old woman with her head covered.


This cover probably belongs to this edition: Rojas, Fernando de. La Celestina; Tragi-comedia de Calisto y Melibea. Barcelona: Antonio Palau, 1909.

Found in the work by 
Miquel i Planas, R. Bibliofília: Recull d'estudis, observacions, comentaris y notícies sobre llibres en general y sobre qüestions de llengua y literatura catalanes en particular 2 (July 7, 1918): 39.
In ARCA (Arxiu de Revistes Catalanes Antigues), Biblioteca de Catalunya:

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