Cover of the Grotta edition: Buenos Aires, 1998

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Cover of the Grotta edition: Buenos Aires, 1998


Rojas, Fernando de (Author)
Grotta, Nydia M (Prologue and notes)




In this cover Calisto is represented on the left, Celestina at the center and Melibea on the right. Because of how Celestina is represented with different eye colours and her grin, it is reminiscent of the representation of this character in Celestina, by Picasso (1904)


Edition of La Celestina: Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea ("La Celestina: Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea"), by Fernando de Rojas with prologue and notes by Nydia M. Grotta (1998). Buenos Aires: Losada. 

ISBN: 8449408210, 9789500373128

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