Image of act 14 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)

Image of act 14 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)


Image of act 14 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)


L. Rodríguez and anonymous illustrator




Calisto on the stairs accessing the garden where Melibea and Lucrecia are waiting. Outside Sosia and Tristán armed.


Celestina. Ed. L. Rodriguez: Lisboa, 1540. Record at the British Library: [Tragicomedia de Calisto y melibea. Enla q̄l se cōtiene de mas de su agradable dulce estilo muchas sentēncias filosofales: auisos muy necessarios a mācebos ...  nueuamente añadido el tractado de Centurio. [With woodcuts.] G.L.] Lixboa : L. Rodriguez, 1540. By courtesy of the British Library and Amaranta Saguar

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