Image of act 3 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)

Image of act 3 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)


Image of act 3 of the edition of Lisbon (1540)


L. Rodríguez and anonymous illustrator




Factotums of two characters and their names above. Sempronio with a sword, Celestina and Elicia.


Celestina. Ed. L. Rodriguez: Lisboa, 1540. Record at the British Library: [Tragicomedia de Calisto y melibea. Enla q̄l se cōtiene de mas de su agradable dulce estilo muchas sentēncias filosofales: auisos muy necessarios a mācebos ...  nueuamente añadido el tractado de Centurio. [With woodcuts.] G.L.] Lixboa : L. Rodriguez, 1540. By courtesy of the British Library and Amaranta Saguar

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