Engraving from Valencia (1518) depicting "El autor disculpándose" y "Concluye el autor" (The author apologizes; The author concludes)

Engraving from Valencia (1518) depicting "El autor disculpándose" y "Concluye el autor" (The author apologizes; The author concludes)
Libro segundo de Morgante, Valencia,  Nicolás Durán de Salvanyach, 1535


Engraving from Valencia (1518) depicting "El autor disculpándose" y "Concluye el autor" (The author apologizes; The author concludes)


Juan Jofré and anonymous ilustrator




This image depicts the author, supposedly Rojas, dressed as a university student. Plants in the background. This image is often labeled as "the author as a young man" to distinguish it from the image of the author in the Valencia (1529) edition by Viñao, that uses different images in the equivalent locations. The two different images can be seen side to side on page XVIII, Vol, 1 of Edición crítica de La Celestina, by Miguel Marciales (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985).

The second image is from Libro segundo de Morgante, Valencia,  Nicolás Durán de Salvanyach, 1535. It is clearly the same image, used here as factotum and the quality is clearly inferior

Lucía Megías, José Manuel, Imprenta y Libros de Caballerías. Ollero & Ramos, 2000 ,pg. 62-63.

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