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First illustration of act IX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
The banquet in Celestina's house (p. 171). She is standing with the jug of wine in hand.

Second illustration of act IX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of a heart wounded by an arrow (p. 180).

Illustration of act X from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea collapsed in her chair and Celestina taking her pulse (p. 189). Vignette.

Illustration of act XI from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Calisto hands over the chain to Celestina while Pármeno and Sempronio whisper to each other (p. 198).

First illustration of act XII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Calisto talks to Melibea through the door while Pármeno and Sempronio stand guard (p. 208).

Second illustration of act XII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea answers Calisto next to the garden gate, from inside (p. 210).

Third illustration of act XII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
The death of Celestina at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio with Elicia present (p. 225).

First illustration of act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Herald proclaiming the deaths of Pármeno and Sempronio (p. 231). Vignette.

Second illustration of act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of the end of the chapter, with a small dead bird (p. 234).

First illustration of act XIV from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Calisto holds Melibea's hand on a bench in the garden (p. 237).

Second illustration of act XIV from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Cat playing with a ball of wool (p. 240).

Illustration of act XVI from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Pleberio and Alisa speak about the convenience of marrying off Melibea (p. 256).

First illustration of act XVIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Centurio speaks with Elicia and Areúsa in her house (p. 270).

Second illustration of act XVIII from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Vignette of the end of the chapter with two separate scenes: two birds, one in a fallen nest and an adult bird looking on from the tree (p. 273).

First illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Calisto climbing the wall of the garden of Melibea, the moon in the sky (p. 277).

Second illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Lucrecia spying on the lovers from behind the vegetation (p. 281).

Third illustration of act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea laments the death of Calisto seated on a bench in the garden (p. 284).

Illustration of act XXI from the Barcelona edition (1883)
Melibea lies dead after throwing herself from the tower (p. 294). Vignette.

Representation of La Celestina, tragicomedy, by Escalera de Tijera, Extremadura, 2019
From the company webpage: SYNOPSIS "Divertida adaptación de La Celestina en clave de clown. Donde se entremezcla el circo y el teatro. Tres actores reinterpretarán, a su manera, la clásica historia de Calisto y Melibea. Contaran las miserias, vilezas…

Promotional poster Nacer contigo (2012)
From left to right: Miguel Ángel, Calixto, Melibea, Alina, Pleberio, Celeste, and Caín.

Promotional photochrome
Celeste Rojas (Nacarid Escalona), Pleberio Fuentes, Melibea's father (Guillermo Pérez), Alina Cordero de Fuentes, Melibea's mother (Emma Rabbe).

Promotional photochrome
Melibea Fuentes Cordero (Josette Vidal) and Calixto Sánchez Peláez (Lasso).

Promotional photochrome
A new love triangle: Miguel Ángel Gael Parra, a suitor of Melibea's (Emmanuel Palomares), Melibea Fuentes Cordero (Josette Vidal) and Calixto Sánchez Peláez (Lasso).

Representation of the Alberto de Paz y Mateos Theater, Caracas, 2007
Theja Theater Group
Direction: Jose Simón Escalona
Assistant director: Oscar Escobar
Executive production: Angélica Escalona
Set design: José Simón Escalona
Stage design assistants: Nakarid Escalona Mata and Luis Felipe Castro…

Ilustración del acto IX, de Escobar (1888)
Illustration found in Celestinesca, Vol 10, No. 1, from an edition printed in Barcelona in 1888, made by Escobar, presented in the edition of the Biblioteca Clásica Española 21 de Daniel Cortezo Cía.

Calisto rumbo a la Magdalena, de Escobar (1888)
Callisto heading to Magdalena. Illustration of the Barcelona edition made by Escobar presented in the edition of Biblioteca Clásica Española 21, by Daniel Cortezo Cía. In Celestinesca Vol. 10, Num 1., p. 18.

Ilustración del Acto I, de Escobar (1888)
Illustration without title of act I, probably Sempronio visiting Celestina, by Escobar for theClassical Spanish Library 21 edition byDaniel Cortezo Cía. In Celestinesca Vol 10, Num 1.

Ilustración del acto VI, de Escobar (1888)
Illustration of act 6, probably Calisto paying Celestina with the golden chain. Illustration by Escobarpresented in the Classical Spanish Library 21 edition byDaniel Cortezo Cía. In Celestinesca Vol 10, Num 1.

Ilustración del Acto I, de Escobar (1888)
Illustration of the Barcelona edition by Escobar, presented in the Classical Spanish Library 21 edition byDaniel Cortezo Cía. In Celestinesca Vol 10, Num 1.

Representation of the Eslava Theatre, Madrid, by Escobar, 1957
Version: Huberto Pérez de la Ossa Cast: Guillermo Marín, Irene López Heredia, José María Rodero, María Dolores Pradera. There is an article with images in Gaceta Ilustrada, June 1 1957Record of representation in CDAEM, Spanish Theater:…

Representation of the Théatre Sarah Bernhardt, Paris, 1958
Representation directed by Luis Escobar and Humberto Pérez de la Ossa, of Eslava Theater

Cover of the Artes Gráficas Arges edition, 1959
A drawing of a single figure wearing a hat over what appears to be a veil, in what is most likely a depiction of Celestina.

Representation of the Universidad Católica Theatre, Lima, by Escudero, 2003
Duration 2 h 30 min.
Alejandro Córdova- Calixto
Pachi Valle Riestra- Melibea
Cecilia Natteri- Celestina
José Luis Ruiz- Sempronio
Gino Romero- Pármeno
Adela Jara- Lucrecia
Tatiana Espinoza- Elicia
Gabriela Alcántara- Areúsa

Representation of Théâtre de l'Aquarium, París, by Esnay, 2009
Dramaturgy: Bruno Tackels
Costume: Rose-Marie d’Orros
Lighting and technical direction: Pierre Leblanc
Sound: Simon Desplébin

Cast: comediens de l'Ecole Régionale d'Acteurs de Cannes
Claire Calvi, Marie De Basquiat, Pauline Dubreuil, Samir…

Representation of the Teatro El Público, Miami, by Díaz, 2023
Representation of Celestina, FUNDarte company (Miami, USA),Teatro El Público(Havana, Cuba) and in association with theFestival Iberoamericano del Siglo de Oro from the Comunidad de Madrid. Premiered in the USA in theMiami-Dade County Auditorium,…

La Celestina, by Lameyer y Berenguer (1847)
These illustrations by Francisco Lameyer and the cover (image 2) appear in Andalusian scenes (Escenas andaluzas), by Serafín Estebánez Calderón,Madrid. Baltasar González. 1847.

Oil on canvas, 65.5 x 82 cm. (25.8 x 32.3 in.)

Goyesque scen of a maja and a celestina, and a religious procession in the background

The old procuress, by Evenepoel (1895)
Original title: La vielle maquerelle ("The old procuress").

In the image appears an old woman with a hat and umbrella looking at a skull that appears floating in front of her. By the title it is understood that the woman is a procuress.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa edition: México, 2014
An image of an old edition appears on the cover. Calisto and Melibea appear in the garden and Celestina is on the left in front of a door.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa México edition: México, 2020
On the cover there is a woman with her head covered. Following the tradition of depicting Celestina as an old woman with her head covered, the woman on the cover could represent the procuress.

Cover of the Editorial Porrúa México edition: México, 2000
On the cover there are two young people hugging in front of a door with a heart-shaped padlock. The image represents Calixto and Melibea.

Portada de la edición de Ediciones Marte: Barcelona, 1968
An illustration of an old woman - probably Celestina- with a jug of wine, in the banquet scene at her house.

There exists an edition published in 1982 by the same publishing house.

Illustration from the back cover from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Illustration from the inside cover from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Third illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Fourth illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Fifth illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Sixth illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 13.

Second illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Third illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 21.

Fourth illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Fifth illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Sixth illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 33.

Seventh illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act II from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 41.

Second illustration from act II from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 45.

First illustration from act III from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act III from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 61.

Third illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Fourth illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 68.

Fifth illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act VI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act VI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Third illustration from act VI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 83.

Fourth illustration from act VI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act VII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 87.

Second illustration from act VII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 91.

Third illustration from act VII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Fourth illustration from act VII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 98.

Fifth illustration from act VII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 99.

First illustration from act VIII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 103.

Second illustration from act VIII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act IX from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 111.

Second illustration from act IX from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Third illustration from act IX from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Ilustración del acto IX (página 119), de la edición Barcelona, 1968.
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 119.

Fifth illustration from act IX from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act X from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 127.

Second illustration from act X from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 131.

Third illustration from act X from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act XI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 135.

Second illustration from act XI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

First illustration from act XII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 143.

Second illustration from act XII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 147.
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