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Second illustration from the prologue from the Mexico edition (1947)
Naked woman, perhaps Melibea, abducted on a billy goat so it could be Celestina; inspired perhaps in the Abduction of Europa.

Second illustration from the Madrid edition (1974)
The procuress Celestina when her business was prosperous with the visits of priests to her brothel.

Second illustration from the introduction from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from the back cover from the Mexico edition (1947)
Naked man or woman reading a book beside a tree and falcon.

Second illustration from act XXI from the Toledo edition (1526)
Melibea throws herself from the tower while Pleberio watches.

Second illustration from act XXI from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of Melibea's funeral procession.

Second illustration from act XXI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1538)
Tristán and Sosia remove the dead Calisto, ladder and the garden wall in the background. Note that Calisto's shoes are on the ground.

Second illustration from act XX from the Toledo edition (1526)
Dead Calisto is removed by Tristán and Sosia. In the background, a ladder and the garden wall. Note the detail that Calisto's shoes are on the ground.

Second illustration from act XX from the Paris edition (1949)
Pleberio and Alisa lament their daughter's death.

Second illustration from act XX from the Mexico edition (1947)
Symbolic drawing that could be the spirits of Calisto and Melibea.

Second illustration from act XX from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act XVIII from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of the sunset in the medieval city.

Second illustration from act XVIII from the Mexico edition (1947)
Centurio gives Traso el Cojo and another ruffian instructions.

Second illustration from act XVIII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act XVII from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of a naked woman changing clothes. She is perhaps Elicia or Areúsa who is changing from mourning to more cheerful clothes.

Second illustration from act XVII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 186.

Second illustration from act XVI from the Paris edition (1949)
Melibea and Lucrecia (?) outside the main door of Pleberio's house.

Second illustration from act XVI from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Melibea playing the lute in her bed.

Second illustration from act XVI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act XV from the Paris edition (1949)
Areúsa consoles Elicia about Celestina's death.

Second illustration from act XV from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of a man (Sosia or Tristán) who with a candle in his hand illuminates a fallen corpse beside the wall who could be Calisto after his fall.

Second illustration from act XV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 173.

Second illustration from act XIX from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto and Melibea's sexual encounter.

Second illustration from act XIX from the Mexico edition (1947)
Coloured image of Melibea's suicide that transforms to rose gradually as she falls.

Second illustration from act XIX from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 203.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1538)
Sosia and Tristán armed in the street while Calisto climbs the ladder to Melibea's garden. She waits for him inside with Lucrecia.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Toledo edition (1526)
Sosia and Tristán are armed in the street while Calisto goes up the staircase beside Melibea's garden, who is waiting for him inside with Lucrecia.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Paris edition (1949)
Sempronio about to stab Celestina. Pármeno stops Elicia. Calisto alludes to this murder in act XIV.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Lucrecia playing the lute while Calisto and Melibea hug in the garden.

Second illustration from act XIV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution with two soldiers, a judge, Sosia observing and an executioner wearing a turban. One of the executed has a cross in his hand.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution with two soldiers, judge, Sosia contemplating him and executioner wearing a turban. One of the executed carries a cross in hand.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Paris edition (1949)
Calisto's servants, Pármeno and Sempronio, are decapitated.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of a body covered with a sheet or a shroud that is supposedly dead Celestina.

Second illustration from act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 87.

Second illustration from act XII from the Toledo edition (1538)
Judge and two soldiers with Pármeno and Sempronio (one on the ground, the other jumping out the window) on the left side and on the right, Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina with swords while Elicia tears out her hair behind Celestina. Curiously…

Second illustration from act XII from the Toledo edition (1526)
Factotums of Alisa, Pleberio, Celestina, Elicia and houses. Exceptionally the names are underneath instead of above the figures.

Second illustration from act XII from the Paris edition (1949)
Lucrecia and Melibea listen to Calisto from the other side of the door.

Second illustration from act XII from the Mexico edition (1947)
Calisto and Melibea, half naked, hugging in the garden, with the moon and the tree in the background.

Second illustration from act XII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 147.

Second illustration from act XI from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina brings Calisto Melibea's string.

Second illustration from act XI from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Celestina with the Church of the Magdalena in the background and handwritten superimposed text of her words in which she desires to go to the Church of the Magdalena to meet with Calisto.

Second illustration from act XI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act X from the Mexico edition (1947)
Colour image of Pármeno approaching Areúsa's bed. She is naked. Underneath can be read: "Que quiero ver par cuanto eres" ("I want to see how much you are worth").

Second illustration from act X from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 131.

Second illustration from act VIII from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Pármeno and Sempronio speaking at the table at Celestina's house, from whose ceiling hang hams and charcuterie.

Second illustration from act VIII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act VII from the Paris edition (1949)
Claudina taking a molar from a person that has been hanged. Celestina is seen in the front.

Second illustration from act VII from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of Areúsa bent over and naked.

Second illustration from act VII from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 91.

Second illustration from act VI from the Paris edition (1949)
Sempronio and another servant speak at Calisto's house.

Second illustration from act VI from the Mexico edition (1947)
Calisto and Melibea kissing in the garden under the moon. Underneath can be read: "¡Oh mi vida y mi amor!" ("Oh my life and my love!").

Second illustration from act VI from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act V from the Paris edition (1949)
Celestina speaks with Sempronio. In the background, Elicia and Areúsa can be observed.

Second illustration from act V from the Mexico edition (1947)
Coloured image of Sempronio hugging Elicia. Underneath can be read: "No derribes la mesa" ("Don't knock down the table").

Second illustration from act IX from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of the meal at Celestina's house. Celestina, Areúsa and Pármeno in the foreground. In the background, Elicia and Sempronio can be seen.

Second illustration from act IX from the Mexico edition (1947)
Drawing of a couple hugging and ascending to the top floor of Celestina's house, while Pármeno is downstairs, kneeling??

Second illustration from act IX from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 61.

Second illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Generic scene of a square or a street of the times with many undefined characters. Panoramic image that covers two pages. Pages 72-73.

Second illustration from act III from the Paris edition (1949)
Illustration of Areúsa and Elicia (?) in Areúsa's bed talking.

Second illustration from act III from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro.

Second illustration from act II from the Paris edition (1949)
Market scene, possibly an illustration of Lucrecia carrying out her domestic chores for Melibea's house. Melibea appears in La Celestina of Les Bibliophiles de France.

Second illustration from act II from the Barcelona edition (1968)
La Celestina (Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea) Barcelona, Ediciones Marte, 1968. Illustrations by F. Ezquerro. Page 45.

Second illustration from act I from the Paris edition (1989)
Sempronio playing the guitar for his master.

Second illustration from act I from the Mexico edition (1947)
Colour image of Melibea with long hair. Beneath the image can be read: "La soberana hermosura" ("The sovereign beauty").

Second illustration from act I from the I Toledo edition (1526)
Drop cap letter E of the first words of the play, "In this I see..." Within the letter there is a saint with a candle or a candelabra.
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