Browse Items (3223 total)

Representation of the Sala Galán in Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, by Bárcena, 1994
Representation: Celestina (Fantasía para xoguetes).Author: Dorotea Bárcena. Director: Doreotea Bárcena. Scenography and costumes: Ovidio L. Blanco. Lighting: Manuel Núñez Romaniega. Producer:Teatro da LúaCast: Beatriz Graña Barcia and Dorotea…

Representation of El Carro del Heno, 1981
Representation:Mujeres en la Celestina ("Women in the Celestina").Author: Fernando de Rojas.Direction, set design, costumes and musical arrangements: El Carro del Heno.Cast:Manuela Céspedes (Celestina)Lola Puebla (Melibea)Marisol Muñoz (Areusa and…

Representation of Teatro Regio, Parma, by Salazar, 1955
Author: Fernando deRojasDirection: SalvadorSalazarVersion: Felipe Lluch GarínRepresentation of the Popular University Theater ("Teatro Popular Universitario") (TPU)Image 1:Theater critic of"La Celestina" in Parma, inSpanish artists around the world…

Representation of the Cáceres University Festival, Cáceres, by Salazar, 1955
The first image shows a theater critic of "La Celestina" in the Cáceres University Festival, titled "The University Festival of Cáceres" ("El Festival Universitario de Cáceres") written by Jaime Campmany on 9-7-1955 for theArriba editorial,Madrid.…

Representation of the Teatro Reforma, México, by Custodio, 1968
Theater critic of "La Celestina" in the Teatro Reforma in the Bulletin of the Classical Theater of Mexico (Boletín del Teatro Clásico de México), México, D.F.,titled "La Celestina at the Reforma Theater" ("La Celestina en el Teatro Reforma"), on…

Caricature of Celestina in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, by anonymous (1957, c.)
Caricature in tribute to the actress Irene López Heredia, that appears in the theater critic of "La Celestina" represented in the Eslava Theater, Madrid, in ABC, Madrid, titled "Tribute to Irene López Heredia on the occasion of the hundred…

Caricature of the representation directed by Tamayo, by anonymous (1978, c.)
Caricature that appears in the theater critic of "La Celestina" adapted by Camilo José Cela and directed by José Tamayo in ABC, Madrid titled "A grand literary version of "La Celestina"" ("Una gran versión literaria de "La Celestina""), by…

Caricature of the representation directed by Marsillach, by anonymous (1988, c.)
Caricature that appears in thetheater critic of "La Celestina" adapted by Gonzalo Torrente Ballester and directed by Adolfo Marsillach inABC, Madrid titled "Another version of "La Celestina" at the National Dramatic Center" ("Otra versión de "La…

Scene from "Los polvos de la madre Celestina", Teatro Español, Madrid, 1922
Image and caricature of the play "Mother Celestina's Powders" ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"), Teatro Español, Madrid, 1922, remade by Angel Torres del Alamo and Antonio Asenjo.Author: Juan EugenioHartzenbuschRemake by: Angel Torres del Alamo…

Representation of the Teatro Federico García Lorca in San Fernando, San Fernando de Henares, by Silgado, 2022
Representation of La Celestina 1905. Circus tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea (La Celestina 1905. Tragicomedia Circense de Calisto y Melibea), Menecmos company for the ‘El Moscardón’ Amateur Theater Contest, organized by the Department of Culture at…

Cover of the Paris edition, 1527
A factotum of an older woman with a rosary or beads tucked into her belt and with the name Celestine in red in a border.See the complete work: Paris (1527)

Representation of the Library of Castilla y León, Valladolid, by Cidoncha, 2021
Representation ofEl ñaque de celestina ("The Celestine ñaque"), Goliardía teatro company in the Library of Castilla y León, Valladolid, organized by Junta de Castilla y León premiered on October 7, 2021.Author: David ParaDirection: Miguel…

"Melibea a las nueve. Un viaje de cuento", Celestine Festival, La Puebla de Montalbán, by Jota López (2022)
Representation "Melibea a las nueve. Un viaje de cuento" ("Melibea at nine. A fairytale journey"), Festival Celestina - La España de Rojas ("Celestina Festival - The Spain of Rojas"), La Puebla de Montalbán, Toledo, August 27, 2022.Author: Ángel…

Cover of the En Letra Grande edition: Madrid, 2020
Three figures appear on the cover: Calisto, Melibea and Celestina. Calisto and Melibea are represented as old illustrations, while Celestina appears in the center of the cover as a silhouette filled with an abstract design in black and blue.

Representation of the Festival de La Celestina, La Puebla de Montalbán, 2009
The images of Terele Pávez representing Celestina in the first scene of La Celestina by La Recua Teatro at the La Celestina Festival held in La Puebla de Montalbán (Toledo) in 2009.

Tales of a Parrot, by Shravana (1560, c.)
The images are pages from the book Tales of a Parrot ("Tuti-nama"), a series of folktales of Persian origin written by Shravana in 1560, c. in Mughal India, court of Akbar. The first image is from the seventeenth night titled "The old procuress…

Conversation: Ludovic Halévy and Madame Cardinal, by Degas (1880, c.)
The illustration is part of a series of more than 30 monotypes that Degas did for Ludovic Halévy's La Famille Cardinal.Description of the book and illustration:"The satirical stories revolve around two young dancers at the Opéra, Pauline and Virginie…

Ladies and students, by Bilbao Martínez (1929)
In the image three young women dressed in regional costumes appear in a park in the city of Seville (Spain). On the left are three young men looking at them. Behind the young women appears an old woman with her head covered reminiscent of Celestina…

A trickster, single sheet, by anonymous (1870)
The image shows a woman described as "a new celestina" who appears on top of a well speaking to a group of people who are watching her.Text at the bottom of the image:"A new Celestina,half a witch at leastwith her lies and trapsshe scammed an entire…

La Celestinacomic, school work, by La Milagrosa Ikastetxea school (2018)
La Celestina comic, school work made by: Maite Cuesta, Mikel Morales, María Saiz, Judith Asenjo in Language and literature by the La Milagrosa Ikastetxea school.

The Temptations of Saint Anthony Abad, by Patinir and Massys (1520, c.)
Table representing the temptations of Saint Anthony Abad. In the painting San Antonio appears surrounded by three young women tempting the saint and an old woman. The old woman appears with her breasts exposed and can act as a procuress for the young…

Representation "Pollos, tórtolas y perniles. Almuerzo en casa de La Celestina" in the Liceo Theatre, Salamanca, 2022
Play "Pollos, tórtolas y perniles. Almuerzo en casa de La Celestina" ("Chickens, turtledoves and perniles. Lunch at Celestina's house"), produced byEdulogic Producciones S.L. by the company EduLogic Producciones. Premiered on June 2, 2022 at the…

Engraving of prostitute, procuress and client in the bedroom, by Johann Theodor de Bry, after Crispijn van de Passe, after Maerten de Vos (1596)
Original title: Hoer verleidt man("Whore seduces man").Three figures appear in the engraving: a naked young woman posing on the bed who represents a prostitute, a man looking at her who represents the client and an old woman who talks with the man…

Interior with illustrious company eating oysters, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Interieur mit illustrer Gesellschaft beim Austern Essen("Interior with illustrious company eating oysters").The image shows a group of people around a table eating oysters. There are several young women who appear embracing men. Note…

The musicians, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title:Les musicien("The musicians"). In the image there are two young women and two men playing instruments. To the right appears an old woman bent over with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition. The old woman can act as a…

Casual socialising outdoors, by Hals (1620, c.)
The image shows a group of people around an outdoor table. There are two young women who appear, one embracing a man and the other holding hands with another man. The third man appears playing a musical instrument. Note the old woman who appears on…

Interior scene with a courtly couple playing cards, by Hals (1634)
The image shows an interior scene where young men and women appear at a table. In the center of the image a couple and the woman touches the man on the chest in a suggestive way. Note the old woman who appears on the left with her head covered, who…

Elegant company in an interior, by Hals (1643)
Original title: Elégante compagnie dans un intérieur("Elegant company in an interior").The image shows an indoor scene where young men and women appear, some hugging and even kissing. Note the old woman who appears on the left with her head covered,…

Courtly company in the open air, by Hals (1645, c.)
Original title: Höfische Gesellschaft im Freien, rechts Blick in einen Barockgarten("Courtly company in the open air, right view of a baroque garden").The image represents an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table. Some couples…

A merry company on a terrace, by Hals (1650, c.)
The image shows an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table. Talking to one of the customers on the left appears an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition who can act as a procuress for the young…

A musical party in an interior, by Hals (1647)
The image shows an indoor scene where young men and women appear in a room. Another hugging couple is seen through the bedroom door. Note the old woman who appears on the right with her head covered, following the Celestinesque tradition, which may…

Merry company making music on a terrace, by Hals (1650, c.)
The image represents an outdoor scene where young men and women appear on a terrace. Two of the men play musical instruments. Note the old woman who appears in the window on the right looking at the scene with her head covered, following the…

Interior with gallant company, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Interiör med galant sällskap("Interior with gallant company").In the image a young couple appears in a room. To the left appears an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition. The three figures in the scene…

Hostel scene, by Hals (1650, c.)
Original title: Scène d'auberge("Hostel scene").The image shows an indoor scene where several young men appear drinking and a young woman among them. To the right in the foreground is an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque…

Merry company, by Hals (1620, c.)
The image shows an outdoor scene where young men and women appear around a table on a terrace. Note the old woman who appears in the center with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition, which may act as the procuress of the young…

The Blessed, by Gutiérrez Solana (1918, c.)
In the image there is a figure seated in a chair with a fan with her back to the viewer. By the silhouette it is understood that she is an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition, and that therefore the drawing…

Cover of the book "Sexuality in other times", by Martín de Lucenay (1934)
On the cover appears a young woman and two black silhouettes behind her. The two black silhouettes in the background suggest Celestinas of the Goya type.

La Celestina, by Cantú (2000, c.)
The images show a young couple on a bed lying down and kissing while a woman in the center of the image with her head covered looks at the viewer while holding flowers. From the title of the paintings it is understood that the couple represent the…

Cover of the book "The three authors of La Celestina", by Molina Blanca (2006)
Two people appear on the cover, on the right an old woman with her head covered following the Celestinesque tradition and holding a club and on the left a young man handing a sack of coins to the old woman. By the title of the work it is understood…

Representation Celestina's petticoat, by Blanco Amor, 1993
Original title: Un refaixo pra Celestina ("Celestina's petticoat").Representation Celestina's petticoat, 1993.Production:Centro Dramático Galego (CDG)Author: Eduardo Blanco AmorDramaturgy, direction and set design: Antonio Francisco SimónClothing:…

Illustration of act I of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act II of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

First illustration of act III of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Second illustration of act III of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act V of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act VI of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act VII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act VIII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act IX of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act X of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XI of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XIII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XIV of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XV of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XVI of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XVII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XVIII of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XIX of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XX of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Illustration of act XXI of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Inside cover of the Micomicona Ediciones edition: Valencia, 2019
La Celestina, by Fernando deRojas. Edition byJesucristoRiquelme and Carlos R. Talamás,illustrations by Carles Maiques. Valencia: Micomicona Ediciones, 2019.ISBN:978-84-949728-3-6

Representation in the Almagro Festival, Almagro, by Castro Guijosa, 2023
Representation of La Celestina by the company Secuencia 3 Artes y Comunicación S.L., Pentación S.A., Saga Producciones and Teatre Romea at the 46th Almagro International Classical Theater Festival, Almagro, Spain.Author: Fernando de RojasAdaptation:…

RepresentationFantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, Palma, byPujol and Fiol, 2023-2024
Original title:Tragedia fantástica de la gitana Celestina ("Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina").Representation Fantastic tragedy of the gypsy Celestina, 2023-2024 season, Teatre Principal de Palma, Palma, Spain, Sala Gran, Sa…

Representation of the Filarmónica Theater, Oviedo, by Rico, 2009
Representation of the Bacanal Teatro at the Filarmónica Theater in Oviedo, Spain, directed by José Rico. The representation is part of the cycle "Asturias on stage".

Representation of the Can Ventosa, Ibiza, by Ramón Ballcells, 2007
Representation of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas. Adapted version by Juan E. Ramón Ballcells from the Morgana Teatre company at the Can Ventosa Cultural Center, Ibiza, Spain.

Xisca Bibiloni (Celestina)
David Navarro (Calixto)

Representation of the Teatro Benavente, by Romero, 2011
Production and assembly of the Teatro Benavente S.L. Author: Fernando de Rojas.Free version by Sinoga.Stage direction: Aurora Romero.Clothing: Aurora Romero.Cast:Celestina: Aurora GonzálezMelibea: Aurora RomeroLucrecia: Anabella HerbellaElicia:…

Representation ofCelestina, Moulin Rouge, Granada, by Ruiz Mingorance, 2019
Representation Celestina, Moulin Rougein the CajaGranada Theatre, Granada, Spain, 2019.Production:Jacaranda 11.Free adaptation of the text by Fernando de Rojas: Antonio César Morón.Direction: Carmen Ruiz Mingorance.Cast:Aristide BruantAdéle de…

Representation ofThis is not la Celestina, Madrid, by Campos, 2022
Representation This is not la Celestina("Esto no es la Celestina"), in the Centro Cultural Gilitos in Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, 2022.Production:La LocandieraAuthor: Fernando de Rojas.Dramaturgy and direction: Francisco Campos.Scenography: Francisco…

Audience ofMother Celestina's Powders, engraving, byComba y García (1883)
The image shows the afternoon session of Hartzenbusch's The Powders of Mother Celestina ("Los polvos de la madre Celestina"). Note that there are children and youth among the audience.Engraving print The theaters and their public ("Los teatros y su…

Representation of the Teatro El Público, Miami, by Díaz, 2023
Representation of Celestina, FUNDarte company (Miami, USA),Teatro El Público(Havana, Cuba) and in association with theFestival Iberoamericano del Siglo de Oro from the Comunidad de Madrid. Premiered in the USA in theMiami-Dade County Auditorium,…

A little soup, by Álvarez (1885)
Original title:Una sopita ("A little soup").The engraving shows an interior scene where four figures appear: two young people sitting talking, an old man sitting next to them watching them while he eats, and a young woman leaving the room. The…

Celestinas in a 19th century comic magazine, by El Fandango (1891)
Various representations of Celestinas or celestinesque characters in the weekly magazine "El Fandango: Weekly dance dedicated to the beautiful male sex" (1891). We can see the figures that remind of Celestina as old women, with their heads covered…

Cover of the Éride edition: Madrid, 2023
Cover of the edition of La Celestina, by Fernando de Rojas and Eduardo Galán, Éride Ediciones: Madrid (2023), Subject: VdB Teatro De Almagro. Image by Eduardo Galán.On the cover there is a drawing of a young woman dressed in a traditional way that…

Celestina doll, by Wolfe (2001, c.)
Engraving of a Celestina doll, designed by Kathryn Wolfe, part of the private collection of J. T. Snow. The drawing shows a figure of an old woman with white hair and a pointed nose. From the title it is understood that it represents…

Logo of the Melibea Hotel in Salamanca (2019, c.)
Logo with disheveled Melibea of the Hotel Melibea by Gaiarooms in Salamanca, Spain situated at: 3 Calle Balmes, Salamanca, Spain, 37008.

In the logo it can be seen Melibea's head and hair. The hair in the logo appears disheveled and messy, and…

Animated plot of La Celestina, by Collado (2002)
Figurines by designer Lorenzo Collado of the characters from La Celestina, including: Melibea, Calixto, Parmeno, Areusa, Lucrecia, Sempronio, Celestina, student and the author Fernando de Rojas. Celestina's character is reminiscent of a nun because…

Illustration of Melibea, by Prieto (1943)
In the image there appear several figures that represent characters from the work: a man and an old woman with her head covered in the center can represent Calixto and Celestina, a young woman on the left can represent Melibea and on the right…

La Ceslestina, by Sassu (1988)
The engraving shows two young naked women, probably prostitutes, and an old woman in the background on the left who may act as a procuress for the young women. From the title of the work it is understood that the old woman represents a type of…

Drawing of Celestina, by Almada (1930)
Image of Celestina with a child in her arms and a girl sitting next to her in the brothel she runs. The accompanying text clearly describes the old woman holding the child as Celestina:
"Sale Carmen y la Celestina con el niño en brazos. Carmen va a…

Poster of the play "Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea", of Laboratorio Escénico Univalle, Colombia (2023)
Play "Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea; Variaciones sobre La Celestina de Fernando de Rojas" ("Tragicomedy of Calisto and Melibea; Variations on La Celestina by Fernando de Rojas") from the Laboratorio Escénico Univalle. Represented as part of…

Cover of the Losada edition: Buenos Aires, 2013
Cover of La Celestina edition, by Fernando de Rojas. Losada edition: Buenos Aires, 2013.A golden chain appears on the yellow cover.

Tía Sinforosa, in Sainete, by Noguera (1858)
Four characters appear on the cover of the first image (first part), who, according to the cover, are in Juan Llorens house, Calle de la Palma de Santa Catarina. The young couple on the left (characters Saldoni and Margarida), the old woman with her…

Illustration of the Second Celestina, by Salazar y Torres (1850, c.)
The image on the cover shows a scene from the second journey in which Celestina tricks them with a mirror.

Procuress in illustration of work by Valle Inclán, by Rivero (1926)
Old procuresses in illustrations that appear in works by Valle Inclán. In the first image the old procuress appears holding a young woman who can act as a prostitute. In the second and third images the old procuresses appear alone, and in the third,…

Old witch and procuress in Las Galas del Difunto de Valle Inclán, by RTVE (2009)
Frame from the episode of the TV series Carnival Tuesday ("Martes de Carnaval") by Valle Inclán on RTVE. An old procuress witch who reminds of Celestina appears in the frame.

Regional medieval saya skirt, La Celestina, by Trajes Medievales Mari Carmen Milián Repullés (2023, c.)
Medieval blue checkered saya skirt described as "La Celestina" made by hand distributed by Mari Carmen Milián Repullés Medieval Costumes, Teruel, Spain.

RepresentationThe crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina, Madrid, by Martín, 2023
Representation The crazy loves of Calisto and Melibea and the rascal Celestina ("Los locos amores de Calisto y Melibea y la granuja Celestina"), by the company La Buena Magde Teatro, directed by Pedro Martín and represented on March 30, 2023 to…

Elegant company, by anonymous (1770, c.)
Other titles: Elegant company playing backgammon in an interior, an amorous couple, and a monk and procuress with a young lady.

Painting in the manner after William Hogarth.

The image shows four figures, a man and three young women playing…

Lovers with procuress, by anonymous (1600, c.)
Original title: Liebespaar mit kupplerin ("Lovers with procuress").

Painting by author belinging to the Dutch School.

In the image three figures appear, a young couple where the man approaches the young woman while she moves away and an old…

Gloria, by Pla (1901)
Recreation by the painter and illustrator of Galdós' character Gloria from the work of the same name published in 1876. Note the presence of the old women with a celestinesque appearance in the church in this work in which the heroine falls in love…
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