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Cover of the Toledo edition, 1538.
This is the same as the Toledo, 1526 edition. An illustrated edition with 24 images that can be seen by clicking here: Toledo, 1538.

Cover of the Toledo edition, 1500
Celestina, carrying the spool of thread, is knocking at the door of Pleberio's hourse; Melibea and Calisto (with the falcon) are talking. Trees and building in the background.

Toledo 1526.jpg
On the left, Calisto and Melibea in the walled garden, Celestina with the rosary, thread and a cane knocking on a door and a young woman (Lucrecia) leaning out the window to see who is calling at the door. This is an edition with 25 illustrations…

Portada de la Tercera Celestina, de  Gómez de Toledo, 1539
Cover page in which the execution of Celestina is depicted

Cover of the Taurus edition: Madrid, 1967
A red version of an older (white) cover that depicts Celestina approaching a house. The image is a reproduction of a section of the title page engraving from the Valencia edition (1514). Two figures can be seen in the garden, and two others in the…

Cover of the Tarragona edition, 1595.
Factotums of Calisto and Melibea in positions of arguing, each with a finger raised. Calisto with hat in hand. The names of the characters written above.

Portada de la edición de Susaeta, 1969
A multi-colored depiction of the characters. They are all somewhat abstract, resulting in no clear or obvious identification of any of the characters, including the iconic Celestina.

Cover of the Sopena: Buenos Aires edition, 1967
A drawing depicting two women, an older one and a younger one, in a medieval setting. The cover is green and white in colour.

Cover of the Biblioteca Mundial Sopena: Buenos Aires edition, 1954
The cover features a copy of the print from the cover of the Sevilla edition of 1523. The cover is green and yellow, and depicts Calisto and Melibea with a hunting dog at their feet.

Portada moderna 2.jpg
On the cover of this work there is a woman holding a book and two children on the left. The cover image appears frequently in other works published by the publisher as well.

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1536.
A scene composed of two pictures, to the left Calisto and Melibea in the garden, outside a servant with horse, and to the right Celestina knocking on the door with the thread, while Lucrecia looks out the window. This is the model that comes from…

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1523.
A variant of the covers of Seville by Cromberger, but completely redesigned. It now also includes a dog and the initials of Sempronio and Celestina have been added on top of the corresponding characters. See the complete description in the edition of…

Cover of the Seville edition, 1523
Celestina, Melibea, Lucrecia, Calisto and Sempronio, and dog, falcon and horse. Celestina holding a rosary and Calisto the string and falcon. Note the detail of the horse's testicles that can be seen from behind.

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1518-1520 (1502).
A composite scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1513-15 (1502).
A composed scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Cover of the Sevilla edition, 1511 (1502).
A composite scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the center Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Portada de la edición de Selector, 2004
Cover of a modern edition, from the Clásicos Juveniles collection.

Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1988)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover of the Consolación Baranda edition. Letras Hispánicas collection nº 284.
Showing Celestina "resurrected".

Cover of the Second Comedy of La Celestina, by Silva (1968)
Original title: Segunda comedia de Celestina ("Second Comedy of La Celestina").

Cover by Alberto Corazón. Madrid : Ciencia Nueva, D. L. 1968.
Illustration of two young lovers which recalls various cover pages of La Celestina of the era.

Cover of the Loqueleo Santillana edition, 2016.
A juvenile edition from Loqueleo, a brand of the editorial house Santillana.

The cover features images from the Burgos 1499 edition, which represent Calisto and Melibea, amidst a squared pattern typically found on floors.

Cover of the Santillana: Madrid, 1994 edition.
A photograph of Celestina casting a spell with smoke and fire in an unidentified theatrical performance.

Cover of the Salamanca edition, 1590.
Composite scene of Celestina knocking on the door with the thread, Lucrecia at the window, Calisto and Melibea in the garden, a horse and a woman. A low quality image that seems to be inspired by the cover of the edition of Valencia, 1514 or of…

Cover of the Salamanca edition, 1570.
Capital with a decoration of curved shapes and flowers.

Cover of the Sabadell, 2018 edition
Facsimile edition of the 1554 Zaragoza edition. Only 100 copies printed. The cover is new.

Cover of the Roma edition, 1515-1516 (1502).
A composed scene showing Celestina with the thread knocking at a door, in the centre Melibea and Calisto, with Lucrecia behind them. In the right margin, an unidentified servant with a horse, and trees in the background. The first two initials of…

Portada de la edición Rodegar, 1969
Celestina in the foreground and Calisto and Melibea in the background. The black and sepia tones give the illustration an aged appearance.

Cover of The Repulsive Celestine, by Seventinain (2022)
Fictional cover of La Repulsiva Celestina ("The Repulsive Celestine") by Fernando de Rojas, prepared by Seventinain insuperhero style.In the image appears a woman dressed in black, with a cape, skirt and stockings and with blue hair that represents…

Cover of the Remedium edition, 1996
The cover features a fragment ofthe cover of the Valencia edition of 1514.

Cover of the Editorial Ramón Sopena: Barcelona edition, 1975
A coloured drawing of Celestina with a cane against a background of shrubs that appear slightly human-like.

Cover of the Ramón Sopena edition: Barcelona, 1920, c.
A coloured drawing of Celestina in the foreground, with Calisto and Melibea in the garden in the background. Note the influence of Don Juan Tenorio by Zorilla. Another edition with this cover was printed in 1934.

Cover of the edition of Ramón Rico Sastre (1976)
A combined edition of La Celestina and La Lozana Andaluza. The cover image seems to correspond to La Celestina.

Cover of the Ediciones Quinto Sol edition: México, 1987
A colour drawing of a furious old woman and two young people.

Cover of the Pueblo y Educación: La Habana edition, 1971
The cover features an image of the painting Wealth is Looking (1663) by the Dutch artist Jan Steen. The image depicts a scene in a hostel from the sixteenth or seventeenth century that features both men and women.

Compendio De La Obra Maestra La Celestina "Compendium of the Masterpiece La Celestina", by Fernando de Rojas. On the cover appears the face of a young woman with her head covered.

Cover of the Promoción y Ediciones Edition, Madrid, 1992
An imitation of an old engraving that depicts the lovers and Celestina together.

Cover of the P.M.I.: Madrid, 1994 edition.
The cover features an image of the painting Woman with raven (1904) by Pablo Picasso. The painting is rotated on the cover, since in the original the woman appears looking the other way.

Cover of the Editores Plana & Janes: Barcelona edition, 1984
A drawing of a woman in the style of Las Meninas.

Cover of the Ediciones Marte: Barcelona edition, 1982
A dark-toned painting of an old woman smiling. The image is reminiscent of the painting Woman in the Window(c.1660) by Murillo.

Cover of the Petronio edition: Barcelona, 1970
On the cover Calisto and Melibea appear embracing near a pillar. To the right and in the background appears Celestina with her head covered and looking at the couple.

Portada de la edición de Penguin: New York, 2009.
English translation. The cover features the image from the printFlight at Dawn(1968) by Pablo Picasso.

Cover of the Penguin Classics editions, 2015
On the cover there are two figures from the book of an old edition surrounded by a figure of a snake with a flower pattern.

Portada de la edición de Penguin Classics, 1964
A banner is carried by the two figures -one male and one female- bearing the inscription: "como quien sale a justar" ("as one who goes out to fair"). The man and the woman are also holding up a sheaf of wheat or wild flowers. In the background, a…

Cover of the Paris edition, 1527
A factotum of an older woman with a rosary or beads tucked into her belt and with the name Celestine in red in a border.See the complete work: Paris (1527)

Cover of Paris, 1922
Four images of the work surrounding the title and other information.
Note that the most tragic and violent scenes have been chosen: the execution of Pármeno and Sempronio, the death of Celestina, the death of Melibea and the death of Calisto. In the…

Cover of the Editorial Orbis: Barcelona, 1998 edition.
A dropped capital 'T'. The background is yellow.

Cover of the Officina edizioni edition: Rome, 1979
On the cover there is an animal-like figure with wings and horns and two smaller figures on both sides.This edition is an Italian translation of a theatrical adaptation by Alfonso Sastre that was made the same year: Representation of the Teatro…

Cover of the Nuevo Talento edition, 2005
The image is a collage of two unrelated paintings, a fragment showing a young bourgeois couple in the painting A Goldsmith in Shopby Peter Christus (1449), and an older woman taken grom Botticelli's allegorical female figure for Repentance in his…

Cover of the Nuevas estructuras: Madrid, 2000 edition.
The cover features two medieval miniatures: one of a king in his court and the other of the protagonist welcoming his subjects.

Cover of the Administración Nueva de San Francisco edition: Barcelona, 1883
A multi-colored print from the cover of the old Toledo edition of 1538. It depicts Celestina selling thread. On the back, there is a facsimile print of the only print from the Juan de Navarra, Valencia 1575,edition,which depicts Melibea's suicide.…

Cover of the novel The Brothel Keeper (La madama), by Concha Alós (1973)
Cover with a woman covered in a Celestina-like way. In the work, there is a woman that encourages another to prostitute herself.

Portada de la edición de New York University Press, 1966
A black-and-white print positioned against a red background. The print depicts Calisto on his bed, pining after his first disastrous encounter with Melibea. Behind him, Sempronio approaches with Celestina, having gone to fetch her.

Cover of the Ediciones Nautilus: Argentina edition, 1976
The cover features a fragment of an engraving from an older edition, positioned here within an orange circle, that shows Celestina knocking on a door while Calisto and Melibea converse with each other beside her.

Cover of the National Textbook Company: Lincolnwood, 1995 edition.
A drawing of Celestina that resembles the character in one of the theatrical performances.

Portada de celestina moderna.jpg
On this cover there is an old woman, Celestina, who appears with an uncovered breast and holds a bag of coins.

Cover of the Molino edition, 1942
A representation of Celestina. Seated against a stone wall and looking to her right, with her open hand resting on one knee, she gives the impression that she is begging for alms in the street. The white veil and dark clothing recalls her tendency to…

Cover of the Milan edition, 1622.
A cat in a border, probably the emblem of the printer or bookseller of Count Antonio Viscount, count of Leonato Poçolo

Cover of the Micomicona Ediciones edition (2019)
This edition is adapted for younger audiences and illustrated in color.

Cover of the Mestas edition: Madrid, 2016
The image is a fragment of Goya’s work: Milagro de San Antonio de Padua (Miracle of Saint Anthony of Padua)

Cover of the Mensajero Bolsillo edition, 1982
The cover contains three fragments of three acts from the old Valencia edition (1514)in yellow on an orange background:the engraving of act I,the engraving of act IVandthe engraving of act XXI.

Cover of the Editorial Mediterráneo edition, 1990
The cover is a partial reproduction of the engraving of act XII from the old Valencia edition (1514).

Portada de Medina del Campo, 1530.
Two factotums of a man and a woman, thought to represent Calisto and Melibea.

Cover of the McGraw Hill: Madrid, 1996 edition.
An old, unidentified illustration of two women hugging as a greeting, similar to the meeting between Saint Elizabeth and the Virgin Mary. In this case, it represents one of the encounters between Celestina and her protegees or friends.

Cover of the Maucci edition, 1961
The cover art depicts a young couple, clearly meant to be Calisto and Melibea, embracing. In the background, Celestina watches them with a mischievous smile.

Cover of the Editorial Mateu: Barcelona edition, 1964
The cover features the image of a painting of a young woman.

Cover of the Mar del Sur: Santiago edition, 1979
A reproduction of the nineteenth-century print by Gustavo Doré that depicts a group of people, including a young woman with a jug of water.

Cover of the Manuel Montt Legal Editorial: Santiago de Chile, 1997 edition.
A young woman's head, which appears to be a fragment of an unidentified painting.

Cover of the magazine Teleradio (1973)
Cover of a popular TV program magazine with the image of the lead actress dressed as Celestina.

Cover of the Madrid edition, 1569
A pair of lovers in a border with Cupid in the middle firing an arrow.

Cover of the Ediciones Fraile: Madrid, 1994 edition.
An old woman's face. This is fragment of the painting The Three Ages of Man and Death(c.1541) by Hans Baldung.

Portada de la edición de Colección Eterna, 1966
The cover features a young woman, sitting with her hands clasped in her lap, looking out towards the reader. On the right, an old man offers her a box. To the left, a younger man appears to be attempting to draw her attention. It is the first…

Cover of the Losada edition: Buenos Aires, 2013
Cover of La Celestina edition, by Fernando de Rojas. Losada edition: Buenos Aires, 2013.A golden chain appears on the yellow cover.

Cover of the Losada: Buenos Aires edition, 1969
The cover features an illustration of a female figure. The use of colour- red, grey and black- result in a vibrant, eye catching design.

Cover of the Losada: Buenos Aires edition, 1967
This cover features a drawing of a woman with her head covered. It is drawn in blue tones and appears to be inspired by certain cubist styles.

Cover of the Losada: Buenos Aires edition, 1960 (c.)
A black-and-white image that depicts a gallant medieval court scene.
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