Browse Items (3223 total)

La Celestina, by AliceInNightmareland (sic) (2007)
A compilation of images based on the artist's school notebook. The drawing is inspired by the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)

La Celestina, by Edwmwtal (sic) (2013)
Illustration of La Celestina bu the DeviantArt user Edwmwtal. Note the influence of Walt Disney's stepmother or witch model.

La Celestina, by Thecarlosmal (sic) (2006)
Drawing of La Celestina, made by the DeviantArt user Thecarlosmal.

Celestina, by Bradipsiquia (sic) (2013)
Oil on canvas painting, inspired by a photo by another DeviantArt user, Anhen, namedScarface.

Celestina, by Akenoomokoto (sic) (2009)
Drawing of La Celestina, with water colour appearance, created using Photoshop and pospo on Painter 11.

Deportista enamorado, de Smith (1790 c.)
A young couple sit outside. The young man takes the young woman's hand as he puts his hand to his heart. At the door of the house, an old woman looks at them.

Second image of act XX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the suicide of Melibea with her falling and Pleberio with his arms raised at the foot of the tower.

First image of act XX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Pleberio, Lucrecia and Melibea.

Third image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the retrieval of the body of Calisto by his servants Tristán and Sosia.

Second image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Image repeated from XIV: scene of Calisto with the ladder entering the garden, where Melibea and Lucrecia wait for him. Outside, with weapons, Sosia and Tristán. One of the two with a finger to his mouth in a gesture of silence.

First image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Sosia, Crito, Calisto, Melibea and Lucrecia.

Image of act XVIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Elicia, Centurio and Areúsa.

Image of act XVII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Elicia, Areúsa and Sosia.

Image of act XVI of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Pleberio, Alisa and a house.

Image of act XV of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Elicia, Centurio and Areúsa.

Imagen del acto XIV de la edición de Medina del Campo (1536)
Scene of Calisto entering the garden with the ladder, where Melibea and Lucrecia wait for him. Outside, holding weapons, are Sosia and Tristán. One of the two has a finger against his mouth, as if in a gesture of silence. This image repeats as the…

Second image of acto XIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the execution of Pármeno and Sempronio, although it only shows one culprit being executed, two soldiers and Tristán as witness. There doesn't appear to be a judge in the scene.

First image of act XIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of houses, Calisto, Tristán, Sosia and a tree.

Second image of act XII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Double scene. On the left the judge, a soldier and a dead or executed body of a man; on the right, Celestina's death at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio, with Elicia tearing at her hair.

First image of act XII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Image of act XI of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Celestina, Sempronio, Calisto, Pármeno and Elicia.

Image of act X of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Alisa, Lucrecia and houses.

Image of act IX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Six names and five only factotums: Sempronio, Pármeno, Celestina, Elicia, Areúsa and Lucrecia.

Image of act VIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Pármeno, Areúsa, Calisto, Sempronio and a tree.

Image of act VII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Areúsa, Elicia and houses.

Image of act VI of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of a tree, Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Image of act V of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of houses, Celestina, Sempronio, Pármeno and Calisto.

Image of act IV of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of houses, Celestina, Lucrecia, Alisa and Melibea among plants.

Image of act III of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Sempronio, Celestina and Elicia.

Image of act II of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Three factotums of Calisto, Sempronio and Pármeno.

Image of act I of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Five factotums and seven names above: Calisto, Melibea --Elicia underneath --, Parmeno --underneath Crito--, Sempronio and Celestina. The double names are as if it were recognized that the same image is for two characters at a time.

Dos amantes en una mesa, de Sorgh (1644)
Hidden behind the door, a procuress or old woman watches the interaction of the couple. We can assume that she is calculating the amount of money she can get out of the boy to obtain the girl's favors.

Image of act XXI of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Three bearded male figures contemplate Melibea's corpse, lying facedown and, beside her, Lucrecia, Alisa and Pleberio. Two female figures standing on the wall also contemplate the scene.

Second image of act XX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Melibea throws herself from an elevated location with locked doors, while Pleberio joins his hands in a gesture of begging or prayer.

Image of act XX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Pleberio, behind him Alisa in bed, knocking on Melibea's door. Lucrecia answering and a sad Melibea sitting on the dais.

Second image of act XIX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Sosia and Tristán retrieve Calisto's corpse.

Image of act XIX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
The same illustration used in act XIV, now for Calisto's fatal visit to Melibea.

Image of act XVIII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
The same image used for act XV, now to show Elicia helping Areúsa to make peace with Centurio.

Image of act XVII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Areúsa in her house receives Sosia, while Elicia listens, hidden. A bed and stairs in the background.

Image of act XVI of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Lucrecia and Melibea, who is on a cushion, on the other side of a door listen to the conversation between Pleberio and Alisa who are seated in another room. Note how the image has been corrected and improved with respect to the equivalent image in…

Image of act XV of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Elicia and Areúsa orchestrate their revenge against Calisto with Centurio, shown with a sword. In the background a bed and stairs. This image is used again in act XVIII.

Third image of act XIII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Pármeno and Sempronio's execution. On the right, the judge and three characters, one of whom is probably Sosia. On the left, the execution, one of the prisoners decapitated and the other being decapitated. Two bearded figures on the right. In the…

Image of act XIV of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Calisto climbing a ladder while Melibea and Lucrecia stand on the garden wall. On the left, Sosia and Tristán, stand guard outside. The image is repeated again in act XIX. Note that they have corrected the error from the equivalent image in…

Second image of act XIII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Sosia and Tristán speak at the door about Pármeno and Sempronio's execution while Calisto lies in his bed.

Image of act XIII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Pármeno and Sempronio kill Celestina, who is on the floor, while Elicia watches in horror. Note how the image is a carbon copy of the equivalent illustration in the Zaragoza edition (1545), now Pármeno and Sempronio use their left hands…

Image of act XII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
While Pármeno and Sempronio, well armed, stand watch, Calisto speaks with Lucrecia and Melibea, who are not shown, through the door.

Image of act XI of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Celestina, accompanied by Pármeno and Sempronio, in the street. Calisto on his knees in the church of la Magdalena.

Image of act X of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Two consecutive scenes. On the right, Celestina, with the rosary, arrives at Melibea's house with Lucrecia. On the left side, inside the house, Celestina speaks with Melibea on the dais, and Alisa enters through the door.

Image of act IX of the Valladolid edition (1561)
The banquet scene in Celestina's house with Pármeno, Sempronio, Elisa and Areúsa. Outside Lucrecia knocking at the door. Celestina drinking and a cat or a dog with a bone in front of the table.

Image of act VIII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Double scene. On the right, Pármeno has awoken to go to his master's house after spending the night with Areúsa. On the left, the scene after the meeting and agreement between Pármeno and Sempronio.

Image of act VII of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Outside, Celestina talks to Pármeno. In the other half of the image, a later scene of him lying with Areúsa. It is remarkable when compared the Zaragoza edition (1545)'s equivalent image that the position of lovers in bed, placed side by side and not…

Image of act VI of the Valladolid edition (1561)
At Calisto's house, Celestina speaks with him while Sempronio and Pármeno talk amongst themselves, apart. Background with battlements and therefore outside, different from the columns and arcs in the equivalent engraving of the edition of…

Image of act V of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Sempronio and Celestina arrive at Calisto's house. He is seated indoors speaking with Pármeno. A bed in the background.

Image of act IV of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Celestina at Melibea's house, and she is with Lucrecia on a dais, while Alisa leaves with the messenger who came to summon her. One of the women has a pet.

Image of act III of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Sempronio, accompanied by Celestina, arrives at her house, where Elicia is inside, occupied with some work. Outside, in the background, a crenelated wall with trees behind.

Image of act II of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Three men speaking in the street, and a woman in a window watching them. It is unclear which scene of the work it refers to because of the very generic image.

Cover page of the Valladolid edition (1561)
Very elaborate variant of the composite model taken fromValencia (1514) andSevilla (1523).It differs in important details fromZaragoza (1545)'s model, which it cuts in dimension and compresses. Calisto's character is treated in a different way.

Black and white photochrome from La Celestina, by Sabido
Pármeno (Porfirio Bas), Areúsa (Martha Zavaleta), Celestina (Ofelia Guilmáin), Elicia (Marcela López Rey) and Sempronio
(José Gálvez).
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