Browse Items (3223 total)

Image of act XI of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Celestina, Sempronio, Calisto, Pármeno and Elicia.

First image of act XII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Second image of act XII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Double scene. On the left the judge, a soldier and a dead or executed body of a man; on the right, Celestina's death at the hands of Pármeno and Sempronio, with Elicia tearing at her hair.

First image of act XIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of houses, Calisto, Tristán, Sosia and a tree.

Second image of acto XIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the execution of Pármeno and Sempronio, although it only shows one culprit being executed, two soldiers and Tristán as witness. There doesn't appear to be a judge in the scene.

Imagen del acto XIV de la edición de Medina del Campo (1536)
Scene of Calisto entering the garden with the ladder, where Melibea and Lucrecia wait for him. Outside, holding weapons, are Sosia and Tristán. One of the two has a finger against his mouth, as if in a gesture of silence. This image repeats as the…

Image of act XV of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Elicia, Centurio and Areúsa.

Image of act XVI of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Melibea, Lucrecia, Pleberio, Alisa and a house.

Image of act XVII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Elicia, Areúsa and Sosia.

Image of act XVIII of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Elicia, Centurio and Areúsa.

First image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Sosia, Crito, Calisto, Melibea and Lucrecia.

Second image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Image repeated from XIV: scene of Calisto with the ladder entering the garden, where Melibea and Lucrecia wait for him. Outside, with weapons, Sosia and Tristán. One of the two with a finger to his mouth in a gesture of silence.

Third image of act XIX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the retrieval of the body of Calisto by his servants Tristán and Sosia.

First image of act XX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Factotums of Pleberio, Lucrecia and Melibea.

Second image of act XX of the Medina del Campo edition (1536)
Scene of the suicide of Melibea with her falling and Pleberio with his arms raised at the foot of the tower.

Deportista enamorado, de Smith (1790 c.)
A young couple sit outside. The young man takes the young woman's hand as he puts his hand to his heart. At the door of the house, an old woman looks at them.

Celestina, by Akenoomokoto (sic) (2009)
Drawing of La Celestina, with water colour appearance, created using Photoshop and pospo on Painter 11.

Celestina, by Bradipsiquia (sic) (2013)
Oil on canvas painting, inspired by a photo by another DeviantArt user, Anhen, namedScarface.

La Celestina, by Thecarlosmal (sic) (2006)
Drawing of La Celestina, made by the DeviantArt user Thecarlosmal.

La Celestina, by Edwmwtal (sic) (2013)
Illustration of La Celestina bu the DeviantArt user Edwmwtal. Note the influence of Walt Disney's stepmother or witch model.

La Celestina, by AliceInNightmareland (sic) (2007)
A compilation of images based on the artist's school notebook. The drawing is inspired by the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)

La Celestina Doll, by Daasper [sic] (2013)
Doll based on the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904), by the DeviantArt user Daasper.

La Celestina, by Anachronic-Doll (2009)
An artistic work on the website DeviantArt for a literature class by the user Anachronic-Doll.

Colombian escorts and models service logo (2015)
Website logo from Colombia that offers sexual services by women. The logo looks as if it was taken from Victoria's Secret, although the crown and the name La Celestina are of a different origin.

Celestina the Weepy (Celestina la llorona), by AreUfracturing (sic) (2005)
Original title: Celestina la llorona ("Celestina the Weepy")A painting based on Celestina, by Picasso (1904). Made by a DeviantArt user.

Femme Blonde a la fleur, Célestine et 'Mousquetaire'
A man on the left looks at a naked young woman holding a flower and lying on the right. An old woman appears in the center of the engraving, probably acting as a procuress.

Full title: Suite 347 L249 (Femme blonde à la fleur IV)

Representation of the Corrales de Comedia Teatro, Almagro, 2016
Stage space, version and direction: Antonio León
Costume design: Anselmo Gervolés
Lighting design: Jacinto Díaz
Production: Nieves Martínez-Corrales de Comedias Teatro S.L.
Production Assistance: Esperanza Ordóñez
Company Technician: Huberto…

Representation of the Teatro de Calle, Salamanca, 2016
De Lazarillos y Celestinas ("Of Lazarillos and Celestinas") is a street theater production based on the stories of La Celestina and El Lazarillo de Tormes that, in a comedic tone, was performed on the occasion of the celebration, on the one hand, of…

Representation of the Teatre en la Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu, Valencia, by Fresquet and Conchillo (2015)
Representation of La Celestina in Biblioteca Valenciana Nicolau Primitiu (Valencian Library Nicolau Primitiu), Valencia (Spain).Production: Cucurucú Teatre Version: Rosa Jordán and Juan Ramón Conchillo

Representation of Teatro Strehler, Milan, 2014
Adaptation by Michel GarneauScenography: Marco RossiClothing: Gianluca SbiccaTranslation: Davide Verga Lighting: A.J. Weissbard Sound: Hubert WestkemperMusic: Peppe Servillo e Flavio D'Ancona Make up and hairstyle: Aldo Signoretti Cast: Giovanni…

Representation of Teatro Telón de Arena, Ciudad Juárez, 2015-2016
Estimated duration: 1 hour 50 min, 3 actsAdaptation by Guadalupe de la MoraDirection: Perla de la RosaProduction: Telón de Arena, CONACULTA – FONCALive music: Joel Barraza, Teresa Elena Arámbula Meléndez and Selene BacaDirection assistants: Amalia…

Representation of the Teatre del Repartidor, Barcelona, 2011
Actors:Izaskun Martínez, Alma Alonso, Francesc Camins andBorja Nieto Light and sound technician:Pedro Nares Technical space: Pepa Calvo Clothing: Marian Dorronsoro Selection and musical montage: Berton Fernández Teatre del Repartidor production

Representation of the Corazón Café, La Paz, BCS, by Cancino, 2013
Los amores de Calisto, Melibea y la vieja Celestina("The loves of Calisto, Melibea and old Celestina")Cast:Erandeni Durán, Karla Paola Torres Jaime, Pablo Marín, Alfredo Monsiváis González, Alhelí Abrego, José Ponce, Jennifer Lucero, Jessy Anda.

Representation of the Karpas Teatro, Madrid, 2014
Company: Karpas
Original music: Volker Kirberg.
Stage design and figurines: Manuel María Grimaldi.
Clothing: Chemané.
Lighting: Gonzalo Gordon. 

Alberto Romo- Calixto
Alexia Lorrio- Melibea
Charo Bergón- Celestina
Ignacio Ysasi-…

El diván
Two lovers in a local brothel with late 19th century set. In the background one can see Celestina, the old procuress who accentuates the scene with her inquisitive gaze. SignedP. Ruiz Picasso-in the bottom right-hand corner.Contribution of the…

Celestina Weaving (Celestina tejiendo), by Picasso (1903)
Celestina can be seen as a weaver, one of the six trades she practices. On the left side, there is a young woman that brings her bread and possibly oil and wine in the amphora that she carries on her head.

The Prodigal Son Spending his Money in Riotous Living, by Janneck (1732, c.)
In a room, a young man is sitting and holding a young woman's hand. Between these two characters, an old woman acts as procuress by introducing the young woman to the man.

Other title: The Prodigal Son takes leave of his Father.

Cover from the Madrid edition (1974)
Cover of the book with 19 lithographs. Celestina as the maker of virgos.

Second illustration from the Madrid edition (1974)
The procuress Celestina when her business was prosperous with the visits of priests to her brothel.

Fourth illustration from the Madrid edition (1974)
The go-between Celestina. On the left, a prostitute and on the other, a knight in the form of a bird.

Fifth illustration from the Madrid edition (1974)
Calixto gives Celestina a gold chain, therefore, his soul. Behind can be observed Sempronio and Pármeno as witnesses.

Representation of the Teatro Burdel a Escena, Madrid, by Sojo (2021)
Original title of the representation: Celestina, puta vieja ("Celestina, old whore")Production: Sojoproduce Poster Photo: Salomé Sagüillo Costumes: Tocado y Hundido Collaboration: Evonhe Hairdresser and Beauty CenterCast: Silvia Vivó-…

Representation of Theatre Festival of Caracas, 2015-2016
La Celestina, una cantata mediterránea ("La Celestina, a Mediterranean cantata") Musical choice, adaptation and direction: Costa PalamidesDirection assistance: Pedro CambasScene assistance: Yordano MarquinaMontage: Arteú group and Colectivo de Canto…

Representation of 12 Experimenta, Rosario, Argentina, 2009
Original title: ¡Puta vieja alcahueta Celestina! O los amores tragicómicos de Calisto y Melibea("Damn old procuress Celestina! Or the tragicomic love of Calisto and Melibea"). Author: Maite Agirre, based on the text of La Celestina by Fernando de…

Calisto and Melibea, by Pukingrainbows (sic) (2009)
A drawing by the DeviantArt user Pukingrainbows. He/she explains that he/she was studying for his/her Spanish literature class and became bored and began to draw and produced this drawing.

Marivi Bilbao, de jesuss1 (sic) (2013)
Photomontage by the DeviantArt user Jesuss1 based on the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904), interpreted by the user with his own paint.

Celestina, by Venise (2004)
Drawing by the DeviantArt user: Venise. Based on the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904)during his blue period.

Celestina 2.0, by 44rivax (sic) (Luca Rivara) (2012)
Digital work of art based on the famous painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904). Made by the DeviantArt user44rivax.

La Celestina...animu style, by happichuu (sic) (2009)
Drawing made by the DeviantArt user, happichuu, he/she was reading a book in a literature class and made his/her own interpretation of the characters in a Japanese cartoon style.


Celestino, by Kohryu (2006)
Self-portrait of the DeviantArt user, Kohryu, that is inspired in the painting Celestina, by Picasso (1904) during his blue phase.

Representación del Teatro Español, Madrid, 2014
Theater projectComics of the language: La Celestina read("Cómicos de la lengua: La Celestina leída") National Dramatic Center - Ministry of Culture ("Centro Dramático Nacional- Ministerio de Cultura").Concept: José Luis GómezAuthor: Fernando de…

Representation of the Universidad Católica de Chile, by Baeza, 2005
Musical de La Celestina("La Celestina Musical")La Calderona Theater Company - Universidad Católica de ChileVersion by José María Ruano de la HazaMusic: Carlos EspinozaChoreography: Paulina MelladoVideo: Verónica Barraza and Alexander…

Representation of Teatro de la Danza, Ciudad de Mexico, 2010
Flamenco Theater Ballet
Stage direction and lighting: José Antonio Morales
Choreography director: María Antonia “La Morris”
Creatives: Marién Luévano, Carlos Ramírez, Ricardo Ortiz and Armando Tovar
Musical arrangements: Fernando Soto and…

Representation of the Compañía Claussic Teatro, Salamanca, by Maderal, 2014
Version: Consorcio Salamanca 2002
Music: Clásicos medievales ("Medieval classics")
Lighting design: Luis Maderal
Sound design: Manu Vaquero
Lighting and sound technician: AGM
Live sounds: Manu Vaquero
Costumes: Montse García

Representation of the Hispanic Theatre Festival, Miami, by Vega, 2008
Company: Teatro Avante
Adaptation: Raquel Carrió
Music: Héctor Agüero
Face masks: Alejandro Galindo Naarai Ortiz.
Lighting: Mario Ernesto Sánchez

Gerardo Riverón-Celestina
Jorge Luis Álvarez- Calixto
Geraldine Townson- Melibea

Una pareja amorosa en un interior, de Janneck (1731 c.)
Una pareja en escena privada, con una mujer vieja (alcahueta) mirandolos detrás de una cortina.

Escena galante, de Janneck (1731 c.)
A young woman accompanied by an old woman and it seems that the latter acts as her procuress. A young man is on the left.

Other title: Galante Szene

A press release that mentions a work titled:La Celestina, by Alberti. The image is not shown in this work. We have not been able to find the painting, nor the subsequent news about its destination.

Illustration by the magazine Blanco y Negro in an article signed by Azorín that references a celestina from the comedyEufemia, by Lope de Rueda, that connects with the traditional Celestina only because of sorcery. The image resembles Cervantes' La…

Escena en un burdel, atribuido a Francken II (Fecha desconocida)
Study of figures, rendered in black chalk, of a scene inside a brothel, with a well-dressed young man, and a young woman accompanied by an old woman who appears to be her procuress. Attributed to Frans Francken II (the Younger).

Other title:…

El hijo pródigo, atribuido a un seguidor de Frans Francken (Fecha desconocida)
Scene containing typical themes from procuress and celestine themes. An old woman, resembling a procuress, encourages couples at the table, while giving instructions to a young boy who seems to be helping her.

Other title: Der verlorene Sohn

El hijo pródigo festejando, de Janneck (1731 c.)
A scene from the parable of the prodigal son, to the right on the background an old woman sits with a device that resembles an abacus, by this object, she is portrayed as a procuress calculating the money she will earn.

Other title: Der Verlorene…

Representation of the Patio de Arcos of IES Vicente Espinel, Gaona, 2015
Group Pata Teatro Cast: Natalia Roig, Rubén del Castillo, Rocío Rubio, Carlos Cuadros, David Mena, Macarena Pérez Bravo, Norberto Rizzo and Josemi RodríguezRecord of representation in CDAEM, Spanish Theater:…

Representation of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Chicago, 2015
Installation for the Velez Blanco patio of the Metropolitan Museum of Art (Chicago).Puppet Company: Manual Cinema

Representation of the Casa de las Artes, Coquimbo, Chile, by Álvarez Godoy, 2014
Celestina ahora ("Celestina now")Direction: Héctor Álvarez Godoy The Interventors Theater Collective ("Colectivo Teatral Los Interventores") (Chile) Performance: Claudia Hernández LópezIntegral design: Claudio Hernández G. Musical composition: Juan…

Representation of the I MicroClásicos Festival of the La Malhablada Theater, Salamanca, by San Jorge, 2015
15-minute monologue in which Celestina defends sexual freedom and the right of women to vote and have a say.
Written and performed by: Patricia Sánchez
Edulogic Productions

Portada de una edición francés de La Celestina, de de Rojas (1922)
A French edition, published in 1922 by Éditions de la Nouvelle Revue Française. Translated by A. Germond de Lavigne (XX century) and illustrated by Démétrius Emmanuel Galanis (1882-1966).

Representation of the Documentation Center for the Performing Arts of Andalusia, by Boza, 2015
Carmen Boza presents the piece Himenorrafia. Sound portrait of the character of La Celestina. Inspired by the aesthetics of Salvador Távora. Idea, adaptation and interpretation Carmen Boza. Activity within the framework of cultural programming.

Representation of the National Festival of Dominican Theater, Santo Domingo, 2010
Nives Santana- Celestina
Carlos Chapuseaux- The Troubadour
Manuel Chapuseaux- Sempronio

Representation of the Teatro Círculo Católico "San Roque", Valencia, by Pastor, 2014
Adaptation: Carles Recio Scene: Kojani Teatre Technical help: José Luis Sanz “El Cigalo” , Margarita Serra, Pasba and José Vicente Fábregues Duration: 60 min. Cast: Amparo Pastor – Celestina a fairy/witch who protects good loveEros Recio-…

Representation of the Claire Trevor School of the Arts, California, by Flowler, 2006
La CelestinaUniversity of California, Irvine Claire Trevor School of the Arts Production: Laura A. SimmsMusic: Daniel Gary BusbuyMusic design director: Mike HookerLighting: Sara BroadheadCostumes: Jessica ChampagneChoreography: Heather…
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