Rome (1515)

(Click the image for more information and other engravings)

Tragicomedia de Calisto y melibea. Enla q̄l se cōtiene de mas de su agradable dulce estilo muchas sentēncias filosofales: auisos muy necessarios a mācebos ...nueuamente añadido el tractado de Centurio. Colophon by Stanislao Polono, Seville (1502) in the edition of the British Library.

There is a version on Cervantes Vritual at

This one is attributed to [Sevilla], [Jacobo Cromberger] (1502). Origin:   Purchase. Raymond Foulché-Delbosc Auction: Oct 12-17, 1936. Biblioteca   Nacional (Argentina). Ub. fís.: 214 FD.

There is also another that coincides with the images at the British Library, which has the colophon by Stanislao Polono British Library C20b.15.

There is also a very similar one in  the British Library, C.20.b.9. 
and  G10224, that claims to be printed in Salamanca 1502
Attribtued to Rome (1515) from the copy from the British library is from the Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Texts

See also The Book Called Celestina in the Library of the Hispanic Society of America (New York, 1954), pg. 98, that describes the problem from this series of editions that have been attributed in origin to Cromberger.

See the editions G1, G, H e I in the Edición e introducción crítica by Miguel Marciales (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985), volume I, pgs. 6-7.

Martín Abad, in "La Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea de “Sevilla, 1502”: Una nueva edición (BETA manid 5905)" mentions, in addition to another copy of this type, the following listing of copies with "rhyming colophon":

  • Seville: [Jacobo Cromberger, c. 1511]. British Library, C.20.c.17. Only copy (Norton n. 810, Post-incunables ibéricos, n. 1341, BETA manid 4616).
  • Seville: [Jacobo Cromberger, c. 1513-1515]. William L. Clements Library, University of Michigan PQ 6426 .A1 1502? Only copy (Norton n. 878, Post-incunables ibéricos, n. 1342BETA manid 5224).
  • [Rome: Marcellus Silber , c. 1515-1516]. (Norton, Imprenta, pp. 219-20; BETA manid 5225). Boston Public LibraryXD.170B.9, one of the five known copies.
  • Seville: [Jacobo Cromberger, c. 1518-1520]. Biblioteca Nacional de España, R/26575 (4). Only copy (Norton n. 942, Post-incunables ibéricos, n. 1345, BETA manid 4617)