Medina del Campo (1530)

(Click the image for more information and other engravings)
Tragicomedia de Calisto y melibea. Enla q̄l se cōtiene de mas de su agradable  dulce estilo muchas sentēncias filosofales:  auisosmuy necessarios a mācebos ...  nueuamente añadido el tractado de Centurio. Medina del Campo, no date. c. 1530-1541

26 illustrations plus one for the cover. Most of them factotums. 

Probably later than 1530, even from 1541, since the images look like careless copies of the edition of the versified version of La Celestina by Sedeño published in Salamanca, 1540, by Pedro de Castro. However, the two could be copies of a previous lost version.

Martial, I, p. 8 attributes this edition tentatively to Pedro Tovans, 1541.

There is a copy in the National Library R3801 and another in the British Library, whose images are reproduced here.

Record at the British Library, 243.a.8.
By courtsy of the British Library and Amaranta Saguar.