Engraving of act XIV from the Burgos edition (1499)

Engraving of Act XIV from the Burgos edition (1499)


Engraving of act XIV from the Burgos edition (1499)


Fadrique de Basilea and anonymous engraver.




Double image. Left: Lucrecia and Melibea in the interior of the garden. Right: Sosia and Tristán contemplate Calisto's fall.


Sobre la caída de Calisto, véase

  • Fernández Rivera, Enrique. "La caída de Calisto en las primeras ediciones ilustradas de La Celestina." eHumanista 19 (2011): 137-56.  online.

The article analyzes the engraving of Calisto's fall in Burgos' CCM copy, and shows the influence that it has had on the illustrated editions of the work from the first half of the 16th century. The authors of the xilografy probably followed the iconographic representation of fall of Fortunate and the depositio Christi as a model, whether voluntarily or involuntarily.

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