Barcelona (1525)


Barcelona (1525)


Amorós, Carles and anonymous illustrator




(Click the image for more information and other engravings)

Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. Carles Amorós: Barcelona, 1525

Description in the Edición e introducción crítica by Miguel Marciales (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985), volume I, pg. 7: "P. Primera de Barcelona, 1525. Carlos Amorós. Recientemente desaparecida."

36 illustrations, many factotums. The engraving Calisto's fall is included two times, the first in act XIV without apparent reason and later it it's correct position in act XIX.

File at USTC 348386

File of the copy at the Biblioteca de Catalunya*eng?/Xcelestina&searchscope=3&SORT=DXZ/Xcelestina&searchscope=3&SORT=DXZ&SUBKEY=celestina/151%2C175%2C175%

This entire copy is digitalized at Google Books

Illustration of the cover page of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Building with two windows and three characters inside, two women in a garden in front, Celestina knocking at the door, Calisto and two servants in the right margin, behind there are two men and two women who meet in the street in front of other…

First illustration of act I of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of four images, two young men, a young woman and an old woman. Above are the names Pármeno, Calisto, Melibea, Sempronio, Celestina and Crito, which correspond to characters in the act, not to the images. Celestina is covered and has her…

Second illustration of act I of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Drop cap letter E with the figure of an undetermined saint. It is part of Calisto's first words, "In this I see..." Perhaps it was considered relevant given the content of loa of the divine work of these words, or simply used this image at random.

Illustration of act II of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotum of four blocks: houses, Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio, the last two are armed and Sempronio has a turban and a shield.

Illustration of act III of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four blocks of factotums with Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina and houses.

Illustration of act IV of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of Celestina, Lucrecia, Melibea and Alisa. Alisa's factotum is the same that is used for Celestina in the first illustration of act I.

Illustration of act V of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums with the names of Calisto, Pármeno, Sempronio (wearing a turban) and a new image for Celestina with her head covered with a black scarf.

Illustration of act VI of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration act VII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of Celestina, Pármeno, Areúsa and Elicia.

Illustration of act VIII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of Calisto, Areúsa, Sempronio and Pármeno.

Illustration of act IX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of two masculine and two feminine figures. Above are the names Sempronio, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina, Areúsa and Lucrecia. As there is no older woman, Celestina does not seem to be represented and one of the named young women is…

Illustration of act X of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Factotums of Celestina, Melibea with a flower in hand, Lucrecia and Alisa.

Illustration act XI of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno and Sempronio. Elicia's name appears above but there is no character for her.

First image of act XII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: two men and two young women and five names: Calisto, Lucrecia, Pármeno, Melibea, Sempronio.

Second illustration of act XII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Double image. On the left, the judge and two soldiers stand over Pármeno or Sempronio's fallen body, while the other of the two is still jumping from the window.
On the right, the previous scene of Pármeno and Sempronio killing Celestina with…

Illustration act XIII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
The judge between two armed soldiers and, on the right, the executioner beheading Pármeno and Sempronio with a knife (one of them is already beheaded). A corner background of houses with arched windows and a two part view.

Illustration of act XIV of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Tristán and Sosia remove Calisto's dead body. In the background, Melibea's garden and the ladder at hand. Above, the names Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán and Calisto can be read. The images of Melibea and Lucrecia are not visible, but it is…

Illustration of act XV of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: building, Areúsa (image of a woman that is covered, possibly to represent her mourning, but the same used in previous acts to portray Celestina), Centurio (image used in act XII for Sempronio) and Elicia.

Illustration of act XVI of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums with the names of Pleberio, Alisa, Lucrecia and Melibea (with a flower).

Illustration of act XVII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: a tower with various people on top of and within it, Elicia with a black mourning mantle, Areúsa, Sosia (image used for another character in act IX).

Illustration of act XVIII of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: a building with two people inside, Areúsa, Elicia, Centurio (image used for another character in another act XI).

First illustration of act XIX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Lucrecia and Melibea behind the crenellated walls of the garden that Calisto is scaling, on the right, two armed servants, Sosia and Tristán.

Second illustration of act XIX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Tristan and Sosia collect Calisto's dead body. Melibea's garden in the background with the ladder at hand. Above, the names Melibea, Lucrecia, Sosia, Tristán, Calisto can be read. The images of Melibea and Lucrecia are not seen, but it is assumed…

Illustration of act XX of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Four factotums: Lucrecia, Melibea, a building with two people, and Pleberio.

Illustration of act XXI of the Barcelona edition (1525)
Pleberio and Alisa watch as Melibea throws herself from the tower. Two buildings at the sides.