Valencia (1529)


Valencia (1529)


Juan Viñao and anonymous illustrator




(Click the image for information and other engravings)

Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. Valencia: Juan Viñao, 1529.

25 illustrations that include the cover and many factotums, except Celestina's death (second image of act XX), Pármeno and Sempronio's execution (act XIII), Calisto climbing the ladder, (act XIV and repeated in act XX's first image), Calisto's fall (second image of act XX), Melibea's suicide (act XXII). It also includes an engraving of the young author.

Description in the Edición e introducción crítica by Miguel Marciales (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985), volume I, pg. 8: "T. Tercera de Valencia, febrero 12, 1529. Juan Viñao. Ejemplar único existente en el Museo Británico: c.63.f25. Sigue ceñidamente a  M [Valencia, 1518]. Agrega una octava a las de Proaza (AP.5b) y trae un xilograbado (repetido) del autor joven."

File at USTC

First illustration of the cover page of the Valencia edition (1529)
Composite scene that shows two servants escorting Calisto on horseback and a third Black servant or page. It also includes a dog and in the right margin Melibea's house, where she and Lucrecia are on the balcony, while Celestina knocks on the door,…

Illustration of the prologue of the Valencia edition (1529)
Represents the author and at times the illustration is identified as "young author" to distinguish it from the image of the "old author" in the Valencia edition (1518).

Illustration of act I of the Valencia edition (1529)
Five factotums of Pármeno, Calisto, Melibea (holding a mirror and a background with vegetation), Celestina, Elisa. The name Crito is included above the factotums but does not have a corresponding image.

Illustration of act II of the Valencia edition (1529)
Three factotums of Calisto, Pármeno and Sempronio. Framed by a tree and a tower with two people inside. The image of Pármeno is the same used in the previous act for Calisto.

Illustration of act III of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Sempronio, Celestina and Elicia framed by a tree and a tower.

Illustration of act IV of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Lucrecia, Celestina, Alisa and Melibea. Only Alisa corresponds to an older woman, but not Celestina. On the left, there is a row of houses.

Illustration of act V of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Calisto, Pármeno, Sempronio, Celestina and a house with a person inside in the right margin.

Illustration of act VI of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of a house with a person inside, Calisto, Celestina (head covered), Pármeno and Sempronio.

Illustration of act VII of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Pármeno, Celestina, Areúsa, Elicia and a house.

Illustration of act VIII of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Sempronio, Pármeno, Areúsa, Calisto and a house.

Illustration of act IX of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Sempronio, Pármeno, two houses repeated (in the Valencia edition (1514) they are different), and a covered female character. The names above these five factotums are Sempronio, Pármeno, Elicia, Celestina, Areúsa, Lucrecia.

Illustration of act X of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Melibea, Celestina, Lucrecia, Alisa.

Illustration of act XI of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Calisto, Celestina, Pármeno, Sempronio and Elicia.

First illustration of act XII of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Calisto, Lucrecia, Melibea, Sempronio and Pármeno.

Second illustration of act XII of the Valencia edition (1529)
Pármeno and Sempronio killing Celestina with swords.

Illustration of act XIII of the Valencia edition (1529)
The executioner executes Pármeno and Sempronio in the right margin and the judge holds a staff and sword in his belt flanked by two armed soldiers.

Illustration of act XIV of the Valencia edition (1529)
Sosia and Tristán stand guard while Calisto begins to climb the ladder. Lucrecia and Melibea watch them from the other side of the crenelated wall. This is used again in act XX.

Illustration of act XV of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotum of Areúsa, who has her head covered in mourning, Centurio and Elicia. Framed by factotums of buildings on each side.

Illustration of act XVI of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Pleberio without a beard, Alisa, Lucrecia wearing cloak, and Melibea holding a mirror and a plant in the background. Factotum of a building in the right margin.

Illustration of act XVII of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Elicia, Areúsa and Sosia framed by two buildings in the margins.

Illustration of act XVIII of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Centurio, Elicia (covered) and Areúsa (without head covering) framed by two buildings.

First illustration of act XX of the Valencia edition (1529)
The same image used in act XIV: Sosia and Tristán stand guard while Calisto begins to climb the ladder. Lucrecia and Melibea watch from the other side of the crenelated wall.

Second illustration of act XX of the Valencia edition (1529)
Sosia and Tristán retrieve Calisto's body. He has just fallen from the ladder.

Third illustration of act XX of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotums of Pleberio, without a beard, Lucrecia who has her head covered and Melibea with the mirror and a plant in the background, surrounded by a building on the left and a tree on the right. Very similar to the illustration used in act XVI. Note…

Illustration of act XXI of the Valencia edition (1529)
Factotum of a house, Alisa, Melibea throwing herself from the tower (without a name above) and Pleberio tearing at his beard.