Barcelona (1967)


Barcelona (1967)


Jaime Azpelicueta, illustrator




(Click the image for more information and other images)

Rojas, Fernando de, La Celestina, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. Modernized text by Manuel Criado de Val, author of the version published by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones científicas. Introduction and notes by the professor Juan Alcina Franch. Illustrations by Jaime Azelicueta. Editorial Juventud: Barcelona, 1967.

  • Eleven ink illustrations in a realistic style. Two of them are in panoramic format and cover two consecutive pages.


Rojas, Fernando de, La Celestina, Tragicomedia de Calisto y Melibea. Modernized text by Manuel Criado de Val, author of the version published by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones científicas. Introduction and notes by the professor Juan Alcina Franch. Illustrations by Jaime Azelicueta. Editorial Juventud: Barcelona, 1967.

Illustration from act I from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Calisto and Melibea's initial encounter. Calisto has the falcon. Page 12.

Illustration from act II from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Conversation between Calisto and Sempronio, a woman in the background (mental image of Melibea?) (Cf. image from act XIII). Page 53.

First illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Celestina walking quickly through the streets, her skirt hoisted and people observing her. Page 66.

Second illustration from act IV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Generic scene of a square or a street of the times with many undefined characters. Panoramic image that covers two pages. Pages 72-73.

Illustration from act V from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Generic scene of the old city. Page 82.

Illustration from act VIII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Image made up of a square or street seen from a portico and at the same time from outside. Page 113.

Illustration from act X from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Two page panoramic view of the city. On the right, a woman going up some ladders that could be Celestina walking fast. Pages 136-137,

Illustration from act XIII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Calisto looking thoughtful in a chair, Tristán and Sosia come to tell him about Sempronio and Pármeno's death. Woman in the background (mental image of Melibea?) (see image from act II for a similar treatment of thought). Page 161.

Illustration from act XV from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Image composed of various scenes, one of them Areúsa motivating Centurio to action and other not so evident scenes. Page 174.

Illustration from act XVII from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Areúsa coaxes Calisto's plans out of Sosia while Elicia listens. There are three female characters, one of which seems to not fit with the scene. Page 184.

Illustration from act XXI from the Barcelona edition (1967)
Pleberio cries before Melibea's body. In the background, Lucrecia, Sosia and Tristán look downcast (possibly a fragment from Calisto's death). Page 206.