Burgos (1499)


Burgos (1499)


Fadrique de Basilea and anonymous engraver




(Click on the  image for more information and images)

Rojas, Fernando de. Comedia de Calisto y Melibea. Burgos: Fadrique de Basilea, 1499

Description in Edición e introducción crítica by Miguel Marciales (Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 1985), Vol I, pg. 5:

A. Burgos (1499). Fadrique de Basilea. Only copy at the Hispanic Society of America. Facsimilar reproduction by H. Huntington, New York, 1909. Reprint of this facsimilar edition, New York, 1970. The copy is missing A1 paper. Content Title, Incipit, General Story Line, Story Line for each act. 16 acts. With illustrations: one as a title page? + 18 in the text. Princeps de 16 acts.

Description at the Universal Short Title Catalogue USTC 333587

On this edtion, see:

  • Snow, Joseph. "La iconografía de tres Celestinas tempranas (Burgos, 1499; Sevilla, 1518; Valencia, 1514): Unas observaciones." Estudios sobre La Celestina. Ed. Santiago López-Ríos. Madrid: Istmo, 2001. 56-82.

  • Snow, Joseph. "Imágenes de la lectura / lectura de las imágenes: El caso de la Comedia burgalesa impresa por Fadrique de Basilea." Filologia dei Testi a Stampa. Ed. Patrizia Botta. Modena: Mucchi Editore, 2005. 111-29.

  • Canet Vallés, José Luis. "Reflexiones sobre el libro ilustrado del impresor Fadrique Biel de Basilea." Revista de poética medieval (30) 2016: 81-104.

  • Canet Vallés, José Luis. La edición burgalesa de la Comedia de Calisto y Melibea: ¿manipulación lucrativa de su fecha de impresión? eHumanista 35 (2017) : 408-38. online.


Sole copy conserved at the Hispanic Society of America, New York. Online copies of the book can be found at Cervantesvirtual and at Google Books:

Engraving of act I and cover page from the Burgos edition (1499)
Calisto and Melibea are in the garden. It is thought to be during their first meeting in the garden. The characters' names are written above the figures, as with the rest of the engravings in this edition. There is a house on the left and a tree with…

Engraving of act I from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double image. Left: Calisto inside his house, while Pármeno goes out to receive Sempronio and Celestina, who are arriving at the house from outside on the right. A block of houses in the right hand margin. The image is repeated in Act V. The first…

Engraving of act II from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double scene. Left: Celestina leaving Calisto's house carrying the bag of coins. In the margin, the block of houses cut to fill the frame. Right: Calisto is with Pármeno and Sempronio, inside the house.

Engraving of act III from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving. Left: Elicia and Sempronio are on the inside. Right: Celestina approaches a house carrying the thread and a bag of coins. Tower in the background. A variation of the left side of the image is used again later in act VII.

Engraving of act IV from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double scene. Left: The page and Alisa go to her sister's house, who is sick, Alisa carrying a rosary. A barely visible door is in the margin, symbolic of the place they are going to. Right: Celestina, carrying the thread and money bag, meets with…

Engraving of act V from the Burgos edition (1499)
The same engraving as in act I. Double image. Left: Calisto inside the house while Pármeno goes out to receive Sempronio and Celestina, who arrive outside the house on the right. Block of houses in the right hand margin.

Engraving of act VI from the Burgos edition (1499)
Room in the interior of Calisto's house. He speaks with Celestina, who hands him the cord. Sempronio and Pármeno talk amongst themselves. There is a mark that appears to be a tear on Calisto's face. There is a wall in the background with decorative…

Engraving of act VII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving. Left: Areúsa and Pármeno talk in her house. Right: Elicia receives Celestina at the door of her house. A variation of the left half is used in act III.

Engraving of act VIII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving. Left: Block of a house and Calisto in the street. Right: Sempronio and Pármeno speak in a house. The image of Calisto is nearly identical to the one used in the title page of act I.

Engraving of act IX from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double engraving: Banquet scene in Celestina's house. Left: Lucrecia who arrives at the door and Celestina who goes out to see her, uniting the two spaces. Right: Sempronio, Elicia, Areúsa and Pármeno are in the interior all standing, not at the…

Engraving of act X from the Burgos edition (1499)
Celestina speaks with Melibea at the girl's house. Lucrecia comes out of the door to receive the page and Alisa who are returning. The figure of Melibea is a carbon copy of the one used on the cover page of Act I.

Engraving of act XI from the Burgos edition (1499)
Calisto carrying the gold chain and Celestina. Behind them, Sempronio and Pármeno are exiting a door. Exterior scene. The image of Calisto is nearly a carbon copy of his image in acts I and VII.

Engraving of act XII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double image. Left: Lucrecia and Melibea are in the interior behind a locked door. Right: Calisto is accompanied by Pármeno and Sempronio, who are armed at the door. This illustration is mentioned in Miguel Marciales' critical edition:…

Engraving of act XIII from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double image. Left: Sosia arrives at Calisto's house and Tristán receives him at the door with expressions of explanation and surprise, respectively. Inside, Calisto is lovesick in bed.

Engraving of act XIV from the Burgos edition (1499)
Double image. Left: Lucrecia and Melibea in the interior of the garden. Right: Sosia and Tristán contemplate Calisto's fall.

Engraving of act XV from the Burgos edition (1499)
Melibea speaks with Pleberio while Alisa listens. It is unclear if the image is in an interior or exterior. Melibea's image is a variation of what has been used in Acts I, X and XII. Alisa's image is almost identical to the one used in Acts IV and X…

Engraving of act XVI from the Burgos edition (1499)
Alisa and Pleberio contemplate Melibea's suicide, fallen or while falling. Behind Melibea there is a series of buildings, one that appears to be an unfinished tower. Alisa's figure wears different clothes from the previous images, but the same…